24. Woah, hola!

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Yeah I'm still here, so many things have happened and I'm still wearing the Real Madrid's jersey.. But what about the others? Isco isn't very happy these days, Pepe left us two weeks ago, and now James..

Somehow I feel really pesimistic about James's going in München for two seasons, I don't know why..

Amor"-I heard Ali's voice.

Yeah baby"- I answered.

Wanna go somewhere today? Maybe on a picnic or something?"- she came to me.

Uh.. I don't know, I don't really feel like going out. "-I'm not feeling really well thought..

But why? You are still out of the field.. Not for long, you have around a week more before you go back"- I could see that she was feeling lonely.

Amor..."- I started.

It's okay Cristiano. I had enough for today.. I just can't stand nothing more now, sorry."- and with that she left.

What the hell? I mean, yeah I didn't go out and everything but she would never act like this just for that reason.
Oh god, I hope she isn't hiding anything from me.


I just woke up from my 'nap' when I saw that I had slept for 4 hours and it's already 7pm. I could hear the kids downstairs, probably they are having fun in the garden with their babysitter. Where is Cristiano?

Oh well, since he isn't here in the bedroom, he must be in the living room or something.

I went down to find him, but he wasn't there, I checked the everywhere, even the bathroom. But nope, he isn't home. Wow, I thought he wasn't feeling like going out today.

Mrs. Alison, Mr. Cristiano's mum, Dolores asked if the children can go in her house tonight, she wanted to spend some time with the fourth of them. Hugo was here to help her if they need something."- Sara walked to me.

Yeah, it's a great idea, tell Jr and Phil to get ready and tell them to come to me if they need something, but you will have to deal with Emma and Lucas, when eveeything will be ready, tell Fernandes and the five of you go there. Anyway if you need something, let me know" - I smiled.

Okay, thank you Mrs. Alison."- she said and headed her way upstairs.

Hmm.. No kids, no man.. Sorry Cristiano but tonight I have to have fun. I'm going in a night club.


While Cristiano was in Gareth's house without saying a word to Alison, she was just finishing getting herself ready for the night. Blue mascara, dark red lipstick and a little black dress, nobody would say that she has two children and a husband.


I just got out of the taxi when my phone rang. Wow Cristiano, he decided to call me finally, didn't he? Well, I had called you 5 times and you didn't pick up, so why would I? Sorry Mr. Ronaldo, you will have to learn the harder way..

I checked my hair and make up before walking in the club. Woo! This is such a cool place to be honest, it's big and I can already feel the good vibes, the music, the people.. Everything is perfect!


Alison was definitily having fun in the night club, sitting and drinking like never before. She had drank nearly the whole bottle of Jack Daniels and she wasn't planning to stop in near future.

Meanwhile, Marcelo decided to go on the other side of the club to see if there is someone he knows. He came here because he had a really bad argument with Clarisse earlier and he was looking forward to have some fun.

Alison was drinking the last glass of the bottle when someone sat next to her.

Woah hola"- that was Marcelo, looking as surprised as Alison that they are meeting each other here.

Holaa"- Alison said with a shaky voice.

Where is Cristiano? Why is a beutiful girl like you alone here tonight?"- if someone didn't know Marcelo, they would think he was flirting, oh wait, was he?

Not even an hour later, they were both down on the podium dancing and enjoying the night fullest.


Damn it, Cristiano has had a really good taste at girls.. I can't lie, every time Alison touches the zone around my private zone while dancing, I want to grab that ass like it's mine.. The fuck Marcelo, what the hell is wrong with you.. This girl is drunk and you aren't an idiot that will get his chance to sleep with her and betray one of his best friends. But wait, what if he never find out? After all, hey I'm drunk too.

God of the lust~Cristiano RonaldoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum