6. I ship you guys.

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Hello guys !! I'm going to change my updating schedule I think it's a lot to update one chapter every day,I'm sorry but I have other work to do too:) I'm going to update every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and on Saturday or Sunday,it means I'll update 4 times in the week,thank you for understanding and well enjoy in this chapter!


We finally arrived in front of one big mansion,wow,this is the place where all of Real Madrid live..We got into and I was amazed.

This is so fucking beautiful"-I said

I know"-Cristiano said

Well I know too"-I heard from behind

Me too"-I heard one more

Of course I know it too"-the third voice said and I turned back to see who are they.

Wow!There in front of me are the three best men I know.They are: Gareth The Hot Bale , James The Cute Rodriguez and Sergio The Handsome Ramos well,and next to me Cristiano The Best Ronaldo of course,so they are four..

Hi,I'm Alison Sawwy"-I said shyly

I know who you are"-Gareth giggled

Gereth told me who you are"-James said

Yeah,he told me too"-Sergio added

Well,I told Gareth"-Cristiano laughed

So..you are our guest now Alison,welcome to our house and have fun"-Sergio said and he hugged me,uh I feel so awkward but I'm very happy.

I bet I will"-I said looking at them all

So come with us,and we will introduce you to the others,they all are in the living room"-James said,oh he's so cute,little columbian..

Of course"-I smiled and we went to the living room.

Gareth opened the door and the rest of the team were all sitting there and laughing,then they all looked up at us.

Hello guys,this is Alison Sawwy,she's our guest there and I bet you all will love her,she's so nice"-Cristiano introduced me and they giggled.

She's your cousin Cristiano? Because she's so hot-I mean she's so beautiful"-Isco said blushing

Well,um,no.She's my girlfriend"-Cristiano said and I looked at him amazed.I'm his girlfriend?Since when? Oh we kissed..WELL I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY NOW! Cristiano is my boyfriend..

I knew it!"-Karim yelled laughing

Oh,you are so cute together"-Isco said now blushing more

I ship you guys"-Toni said laughing

Is she pregnant?"-Marcelo asked and I feel so uncomfortable now..

No,not yet"-Cristiano said and they all burst at laughing

Yet?"-Sergio laughed

Well,let's not talk about this right now,all you need to know it's that we're dating"-Cristiano said and they all nodded.

Well let's have a movie night because of Alison's coming,we can watch some great movies all together"-James gave an idea

I agree"-Cristiano said

Me too"-Isco added

It's fine with me"-Karim said

Let's do it"-Marcelo agreed

Well,who wants pizza?"-Luka asked and we all looked at him,I haven't meet him..Oh there are Keylor,Pepe and Nacho too..

All of us want it,you know"-Gareth laughed

Btw,this is Alison,she's Crsitiano's girlfriend and she's staying there with us"-Gareth introduced me this time.

There's new thing Aliano"-Pepe said and all of us looked at him confused.

Aliano?"-Sergio asked

Well it's a new ship name for those two,ya know"-Pepe explained

Oh actually I love it,Aliano"-Toni said

It's the best ship name I've heard of Pepe"-Sergio said

I think it's very good"-Keylor added

I love it so much!!"-James yelled making us all look up at him worried

I didn't want to yell like that,sorry,I've been excited"-he blushed and I hugged him

Oh,Jamesy you are so cute when you are blushing"-I told him and he looked at me so happy making puppy eyes,oh he makes them like Junior..

I thought she's Cristiano's girlfriend"-Nacho giggled and Cristiano looked at him mad

Well,she is.She's just nice with everyone that's it"-Cris said

Oh Cris I love you,amor"-I told him

I love you too,amor"-he replied and everyone was looking at us

Aliano is the best ship I know"-Isco said and everyone agreed

We want a little baby from you two,so we can name it Aliano"-Luka said

Yas!!It would be great"-James said

Guys,we are not having baby soon,and if we'll do,we are definitely not naming it Aliano"-Cristiano said and I laughed

Uh okay"-Toni said

Well,let's find a good movie and watch it"-Sergio said

I think we should watch 'Fifty shades of grey' "-Isco said

We aren't watching porn,okay?"-Marcelo said

Let's watch 'frozen' "-James said

What the hell James?! We are not kids"-Keylor said

Shut up you all please!We can watch 'date movie' ,it's a very good comedy "-Gareth said

Let's watch it!"-Cristiano said

It sounds interesting!"-I agreed

Well if Aliano is agreeing,then we are fine"-Karim said and everyone laughed again.Then,Sergio found the film and he downloaded it on the laptop,after that we connected it with the projector and it finally started.

During the film everyone was having fun and laughing,I love this film too it's very funny.When it ended everyone got up and started to getting in their rooms.

Good night guys"-Luka said

Good night"-Gareth said

Good night to all of you"-Isco said

Amor,you are in room with me"-Cristiano told me

Oh,I like it"-I said and he winked at me

Winking?Still in 21 th century?"-Sergio laughed before he went to his room

Shut up Sese"-Cristiano told him and he took my hand and we went to our room.
Hey guys, I know today is Thursday, but this was an extra chapter, I'll update always when I'll can, but I'll sure update four times in the week. Bye!

God of the lust~Cristiano Ronaldoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن