Always - Everlark Fanfic

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Chapter 1 - Katniss Everdeen

Katniss's POV

It's a very cold Spring, I sit in the meadow where flowers bloom and daffodils take over. It is so peaceful, even after I've been here for a few hours. The sun is just rising. I hear someone behind me, I quickly turn around and see Peeta Mellark, my best friend.

'Katniss, are you alright?' He asks cautiously. I nod. He walks over and sits next to me.

We have been best friends for what seems like forever, I remember we used to bake at the Mellark Bakery.

'It's so cold.' Peeta says, his teeth chattering. He isn't used to the cold, he only ever came to the woods with me if I asked him. He isn't much of a hunter, either. But he came here with me because he knows it's where I have happy memories.

I get up and hold out my hand. 'Let's go.' I say, looking into the blue eyes that make me smile.

'Okay.' He replies, taking my hand and we walk back to the fence. We help each other through.

Even though Peeta and I are best friends, we still have other friends like Finnick, Annie, Johanna, Glimmer, Cato, Clove and Gale.

Gale has a crush on me, but I don't really care for him, Cato usually brings him along when us friends catch up.

Finnick and Annie are dating, they are pretty crazy about each other and can't keep their hands off each other. Cato and Clove are dating, too, they are a cute couple and Cato always wants to protect Clove.

Although there are couples in the group there are still single people: Glimmer, Marvel, Johanna, Gale, Peeta and I. I don't really love anyone, I do get this weird feeling when I'm around Peeta, though, but that's probably because he's my best friend...

Anyway! We walked back down to the district, hand in hand. We got to my house and went in. I was expecting to see my mother and Prim, but they were no where. I called out their names but there was no answer.

Where are they?


That was my first chapter on Always - Everlark Fanfic

I hope you liked it! I will update when people see it :)

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