Chapter Two

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The cut-eye that Fay gave the vampire who had moments before made it clear that he wanted to use her neck as a chew toy was a bitter one. One swish of her spoon and he would be nothing more than a couple of coughed-up hairballs by morning. She knew it, he knew it, and the cats knew it. But now what?

The tension between her and the motionless vampire was strong but not strong enough to set off any more internal red flags. Her borders had been breached by her own folly and the powerful wards that she had placed on her property were now too lax to be of much use in this situation. Either Fay was going to have to throw both vampires out and figure out a way to make it permanent or she was going to have to come to some sort of agreement.

Two vampires against one witch wasn't an odd she wanted to deal with right then. Even with a small army of cats at her command. That left her with one possible course of action. A truce.

With a calculating look Fay shifted her stance and took the spoon from the unnamed figure before she swung it through the air. At her signal the tension in the room began to eased by degrees as the cats slowly melted away into the darkness of the house's interior. A few stayed behind just in case, along with Fat Cat and the ever vigilant Figaro.

"Don't even think about it." Fay warned both vampires for good measure.

"The thought never crossed my mind." The blonde vampire said. "Apologies for the window."

"Yeah, well you're paying for it."

Hearing this, the vampire smiled.

"I'm David and that idiot there goes by Dwayne."

David held out a gloved hand to her.

"Fay Prima and I can't say it's a pleasure."

Fay eyed him carefully but did not return the gesture. Her arms remained firmly locked protectively across her chest.

"Wait. You're not going to kill her?"

"No I am not going to kill her."

Dwayne was surprised to the hilt when David had called him out by his actual name in front of her. That was something that just wasn't done. Not unless one of them was planning on draining her because there was a strict rule about leaving no witnesses.

The three of them just stood there awkwardly for a moment at which point Fay tucked away her spoon into a large pocket of her robe and sighed in resignation.

"Might as well sit down." She muttered as she picked up Fat Cat and sat cautiously on the arm of what was left of her couch. David chose the loveseat and made himself comfortable. Only Dwayne remained standing. His eyebrows were locked in concern and the dark look look on his face gave him the appearance of a brooding thunderhead. No self-respecting vampire barged into someone's house, introduce themselves, and then sat down to have a pleasant chat.

"So can I ask why my front window is broken? You two owe me that much." Fay asked as she wrapped her arms protectively around Fat Cat.

"Territorial dispute. I was in the middle of giving this upstart a lesson in leadership." David mused as he watched the other vampire bristle at his words.

"One that you were losing."

"On the contrary, I think it was the other way around."

"You need to get your memory checked. I clearly had the upper hand and you know it."

"You want to back up that claim?"

"You know I can."

"Prove it then."

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