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Dear Mochi,

Today I saw you and Taehyung at the park, you were laying against him as he put his arm around you.

I remember when that had been me, when we sat beneath the city lights looking for stars and talking about our hopes and dreams. Your hair was so soft as it had tickled my face as you fell asleep on my face somehow after trying to smother me.

I was with Hoseok at the time, who stopped me from going to you. Hoseok doesn't like the way I continue to pine for you, when it's clear you hate me. Hoseok is truly on your side... But why... Why can't I have anyone who believes I'd never purposely do anything to hurt you?

I couldn't stand to watch as you kissed Taehyung so happily while my heart ached for the happy expression on your face.

What can I do anymore?

I've lost everything.


Dear Mochi | Jikook [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now