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Dear Mochi,

I heard from Seokjin today, he says you're doing well. He says you don't read my letters anymore since it hurts you too much.

I'm sorry to make you hurt... But I can't let go. Don't read my letters, that's okay... But I just have to make sure that you're still out there, smiling that crescent-eyed smile that I adore.

I hear you still live at the address I send these to, which must be why you keep getting them.

I sometimes feel like I should show up at your door with flowers and one of those stupid romance movies we laughed at once before, but I know you don't want to see me anymore.

I sometimes go to that cafe we met at, where I get glares from our old friends for what I did. I ignore them, but I can't help but to feel this weight in my chest from the pain.

Why can't I let go?


Dear Mochi | Jikook [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now