Chapter 12

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        The day went really well, I took the funniest pictures with each boy, Cam even kissed me. On the lips. In a photo. I was so surprised my eyes were open.. whoops! The only bummer was when I got to Shawn. He awkwardly stood next to me and half smiled. Earlier when Caleen walked by, he pulled her into a full hug and kissed her cheek before she left. I didn't expect all that, but couldn't he at least give me a small hug? Guess not. After we were done, it was about 3 o'clock when we got back to the hotel.

        I sat on Cam's lap this time, (although it wasn't nearly as comfortable). Once inside our seperate rooms, Elizabeth was constantly talking about Nash and she kept rubbing her lips. I wanted to say I was happy for her, but I couldn't. She had this amazingly handsome boyfriend (she had texted me after getting into the limo) and she knew exactly what she wanted. I grabbed my clothes and took a long, very hot shower. When I got out and I was dressed in shorts and a tank top, I checked my phone, mainly out of habit. I had 4 new messages since leaving the event.

From: Cam

Hey hotstuff, you looked kind of upset this afternoon, call me if you want to talk. (:

From: Cam

The boys and I are going out bowling tonight around 7, let me know if you wanna go

From: Matt

Hey it's Matt, I already put my number in your phone for you. You can thank me later! Want to go bowling with us? It'll be fun

From: Shawn Mendes

Hey there; just wanted to say I'm happy for you and Cameron. I thought I might as well tell you that Caleen and I are dating now too.

        I quickly scanned over them, smiling at Matt's message. When I was done I put down my phone on the bed and got up. I stopped in my tracks and very slowly sat back down. What did that last message say? Did I read it right? I quickly found the message and reread it several times. Yep, I read it right. Seriously? Right after we started dating? Mmk. Shawn was dating Caleen. But what? Why do I even give a frickle frackle? It's Shawn! I had Cam, I told myself. I didn't need anyone else. I had what I always wanted. I was beyong happy. Yeah, that's it. I was actually really happy, Cam treated me actually really well. I was happy to be with him. I quickly shot back a message to all the boys.

To: Cam

Don't quite feel like it tonight. Sorry.

To: Matt

Haha thanks. Sorry, I don't feel like it tonight

To: Shawn Mendes

Well good for you, I'm glad we can both be with the one person we want to be with.

        I hesitated at the last message, but sent it anyway. I didn't need Shawleen getting in the way of Cam and I.

        Wait. Did I just give them a couple name? Seriously?

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