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Gaia took her time walking to the pizza restaurant. The sun had set and the almost full moon was seen. It wouldn't be long now before a new leader took Ryan Ashley's place. They did a ritual every time under the moon that determined who was next in line. None of them weren't sure who it was.

The streetlights came on one by one making the streets illuminated enough to see. Gaia saw a few people riding bikes home and about three kids finishing up a game of hide and seek. She waved back at the kids when they saw her before the mother called them to go inside. The mother waved back before heading inside.

Gaia decided to take a shortcut through the park. It was a dense forest area with a path walk. They girls spent a lot of time there performing a grounding ritual. All four girls agreed it's their favorite time to take off their shoes and walk around barefoot while admiring nature. She was extremely tempted to as she traveled the path.

It didn't take her long before she was feeling unusually uneasy. She didn't like the how that felt so she quickened her pace. Gaia glanced around and held onto the bunches of freshly picked garlic from the garden even tighter. She kept telling her it was just her imagination. Gaia looked forward to make it look like she wasn't paying attention but she was prepared to run if anything happened.

She ran into a full sprint when the sounds of twigs snapped. There was no way it was her imagination when she was thinking about being back at the house with her friends. Gaia didn't dare look back to see what was behind her. Her only hope was that whatever was behind her wasn't faster than her. She managed to run out of the park and near a streetlight where she was in full view of houses surrounding her.

Panting, she looked around not surprised to find nothing. Gaia was defiantly not going to take that route home. She rushed a lot more quickly to get to the pizza restaurant. "Pickup?" The lady asked her. Gaia nodded still out of breath to speak. The lady went behind the doors leading to the kitchen.

The lady came back with a large pizza box and a cup of water. "Did you run here?" She giggled offering the drink. Gaia took it and chugged half of it. "I thought I was being followed." She replied before finishing the drink. The lady suddenly looked concerned. She offered Gaia a ride since the lady was off in five minutes. She reluctantly refused but thanked her.

Gaia took the pizza and left. Jaime had already payed over the phone and they were regulars. They ordered out every few weeks and watched movies until they fell asleep. It was their favorite girls' night out. There was hardly another encounter as she took the longer route home. She felt completely alone on the way back.

At this time, all the children would be inside or in the backyard instead of in the streets. Adults would be driving to work or somewhere else. That's why the witches loved this town so much. Most small towns or cities would be a warzone or abandoned. A few small towns with a small population of humans wouldn't accept them living there or threatened to burn them at the stake. The girls finally had a town to call home.

Gaia made it to the house safe and sound. She walked into the living room and placed the pizza onto the coffee table before noticing she was by herself. "Ryan Ashley? Jaime?" She raised her voice but there was no reply. She checked the kitchen expecting to see her friends but there wasn't anyone. She was about to walk out when the house phone rang.

"Hello?" She asked answering it. "Get to the Town Hall. Something happened when you were gone." Kylie said sounding worried. "I'll be right over." Gaia hung up and went to the living room to get the pizza to put in the fridge in the kitchen. She grabbed her car keys thinking it would be quicker to get to the other side of town. She made sure the house was locked before getting into the vehicle and driving there.


Who do you think was following Gaia?
Sorry I haven't been updating this story, I've been so busy with my job and it's frustrating that I don't have time to write, paint, or sketch anymore. I'm hoping to change that very soon.

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