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Three of the witches groaned when there was sudden sunlight in their room. "Wakes, wakey! We have a big day ahead of us, girls!" Ryan Ashley spoke cheerfully. Kylie sat up and threw her pillow at her before laying back down. Jamie, as usual, pulled her comforter over her entire body to shield out any light. Gaia was still in a deep sleep.

"Come on! Up, up!" Ryan Ashely clapped her hands by Gaia's ear. She covered her head with her pillow and mumbled sleepily. "Don't you dare put a curse on me today. Now is not the time for bad luck, missy." Ryan Ashley said seriously. Jamie was the first to crawl out of bed and leave the room.

"Why do you have to be a morning person?" Kylie rubbed her face in attempt to wake up. "I'm not the one that stays up all night on Tumblr." Ryan Ashley giggled. Kylie gave her friend a smug smile. "You know how much I love being on there." She said flirtatiously. "Yeah, I don't want to know." Ryan Ashley said before pulling the pillow off of Gaia to surprise her.

"Fine! I'm up! Give me five more minutes." Gaia yelled. Ryan Ashley tossed the pillow across the room. "Five seconds or you're eating meat for breakfast." She finally threatened. Gaia didn't hesitate to leap out of bed at that. She was serious about it.

Kylie finally stood up and stretched. "What's the big deal about today anyway?" She asked her friend. Although Ryan Ashley wasn't a permanent leader to their supernatural group, the other girls looked up to her because she was the oldest and more powerful. The girls rotated leadership, unlike other species, to keep a peaceful balance. They changed when there was a full moon.

"I'm not exactly sure but there's a feeling something is going to happen." Ryan Ashly spoke slightly confused. Kylie hummed in thought. They heard their names being called so they decided to walk out. They headed to the kitchen which served for both cooking and making spell potions.

"Our newest employee will be here at the shop in a few hours." Jamie said placing some unbaked cinnamon rolls in the oven. Gaia was making the coffee and preparing to cook on the stove. Kylie went to the fridge and looked through to see what to make. Ryan Ashley had already had her breakfast but she helped Jamie cut up fruit.

The girls prepared breakfast of cinnamon rolls, fruit, scrambled tofu "eggs", and a lot of coffee. Their powers were affected by everything they did and consumed based on karma. They were the only true witches left and were grateful that they could practice their magic in front of certain humans.

They lived in a small town that accepted them as long as they used their powers for healing and good. Every one of them knew who lived in town and who didn't so the girls could be careful about being exposed. They owned a small shop that offered crystals, herbal potions, and to perform spells.

"I'll start cleaning up." Kylie began gathering the plates and silverware. Jamie offered to help. Ryan Ashley went to the front door to read appointment books for today. Gaia went up the bedroom to tidy up. They worked as a team in their own way day in and day out. No one was told what to do but rather asked if needed.

After cleaning the dishes and kitchen, the girls got ready for the day. They got dressed and put on their makeup before heading out to the shop. It was only a few blocks away so they could walk there. Jamie and Kylie were the ones that had the most appointments today so they immediately began setting up.

Ryan Ashley took an inventory of all the herbs, plants, crystals, books, and so on which would take most of the day. Gaia'a responsibly was to help customers and run the register. A month ago, they've came to a conclusion to hire a human to help out. They've been getting busier with appointments and new strangers have been visiting. The human's job would be to find out if the new people can be trusted for them to practice magic.

"I might have some of the herbs we need already grown in the garden. I'm going to run home so does anyone need anything?" Ryan Ashley asked the girls. "Garlic." Gaia said suddenly. The girls looked at her confused. She shrugged. "I don't know either but it's the first thing that came to my mind." Kylie looked at Ryan Ashley thinking about this morning.

"You don't think another creature is going to visit, do. you?" She asked. Ryan Ashley looked thoughtful. "Maybe but he wouldn't be able to stay for long." She answered. Jamie hummed in thought. "Lets say someone does. How should we treat them?" She asked curiously. The girls looked at Ryan Ashley who was the temporary leader.

She thought for a long time and came to a decision. "Don't welcome them but be respectful. We protect each other, not others." She finally said. "What about Karma?" Gaia asked. Ryan Ashley let out a long exhale. She's thought about that the most. "I'm sure we'll be fine." It's not like they were hurting anyone but it was enough to slightly effect their powers.

The girls knew they had to watch over each other more than someone else. They were the only remaining witches in the world and it'd be devastating to lose any one of them. They silently nodded to an agreement before Ryan Ashley left. "Do you think we should close the shop earlier tonight?" Kylie asked putting some ingredients in a small glass jar. It was a mixture of salt, valerian powder, and sugar. A client had been coming in once a week because of nightmares. Salt was used for protection against negative energies, valerian root was a mild sedative to help sleep, and sugar was for sweet dreams.

"No, because I have an appointment at the last hour that I can't cancel again." Jamie said flipping the closed sign to open. Kylie bit her lip. "Maybe we're just overreacting." She finally said and made her way to one of the rooms to finish getting ready. Gaia sat down at the register and crossed her arms. Jamie went to the other room get set up for her first appointment.

I've nearly forgotten to update today. I have so much going on in my life right now. It's both frightening but exciting at the same time.

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