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He looked up a small shop curiously. After searching far and wide, he never thought he'd be able to find someone who could help him. Of course, the wouldn't be surprised if any of the girls kicked him to the curb. After all, they'd protect one another over any other supernatural creatures. The man also wasn't entirely sure if the witches have stayed together or if they separated after the war. There hasn't been a coven since that began ten years ago.

Inhaling deeply, he forced himself to walk in and went up the register. A very petite woman dressed in black leggings and a black cropped tank top with a faux deathhawk and winged eyeliner so sharp to the point that it could stab someone was finishing up a customer's transaction. She smiled friendly when it was his turn. "What can I help you with today?" She asked slightly tilting her head curiously.

"I've made an appointment with Kylie." He said shyly. The woman stood up and walked over to the closed door of the room her friend was in. "Devin's here." She said knocking on the door three times. His eyes widened in surprise. He only expected Kylie to be the only witch living here. A witch had to knock three times if they wanted to enter someone's privacy.

The woman sat back down and raised a drawn on eyebrow. She must have noticed the look on his face. "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting another witch to be here. I thought they've spread out to hide." Devin said feeling even more shy than before. It was her turn to be surprised. However he found out about them. The man should have known witches lived in a coven.

"No, there's four of us left. We could have run and hidden but we'd be lonely. This town was kind enough to let us stay." She spoke cautiously. Devin opened his mouth to say something before closing it. He let out a short exhale deciding to say something. They'll find out what he is eventually. "Would you help a creature?" Devin asked almost pleading.

"That depends on what it is and what you are." Kylie said stepping out of the room. Devin felt weak at his knees seeing her for the first time. She ran her fingers through her bright red hair before crossing her arms. She was honestly the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen. "I'm a shapeshifter." He stuttered out.

The two girls opened their mouths in shock. He was the very last kind species. Kylie instantly knew what he needed help for. "Come on in." Kylie led him to the room. Devin looked curiously around. The walls were a light gray to slightly darken the room. A beautiful crystal chandelier had dimly lit light above a twin bed. In the corner was a black antique table with a small cauldron with jars and crystals scattered around.

"You're here to calm your personality, right?" Kylie asked looking at Devin. He nodded admiring the atmosphere of the room. It felt calming and tranquil just how he had hoped. "Lay down, Devin, and we'll get started." Kylie seemed to smile flirtatiously. He smiled back the same way. "With pleasure." He replied.

Kylie couldn't help but giggle as she went over to the table to look for the three crystals they'll need. Kylie gathered Lithium Quartz to bring in a tranquil energy, Blue Calcite for Calming and Lepidolite for balance. She to the cauldron deciding to light an incense that would help. She chose Anise for emotional balance.

Devin was laying down on the bed feeling at peace already. He had his eyes closed listening to the sounds in the room and outside the door. He could faintly hear Gaia talking to a customer. Kylie set the crystals next to him humming. "How often do you change?" She asked curiously.

"It's getting to the point where it's more than three times a day. It's getting harder to stay in one place." Devin replied honestly. He felt her placing a light object where the right clavicle and scapula meet. "Do you mind me asking what do you change into?" She asked trying not to sound too curious. Devon secretly had to admit he like her questioning him. "I can change into the different genders of humans." He replied opening up his eyes to look at her.

Kylie placed another crystal of the left side of his shoulder area. "Interesting." She winked with a flirty smile. He was slightly surprised at her reaction. She instructed for him to close his eyes and to relax as much as possible. She finally placed the last crystal on his forehead. All three created a triangle shape on his body. He obeyed her directions and listened to Kylie moving around. It didn't take long for him to be a sleep-like state but he was still fully alert.

Devin heard the faintest chimes in the room and realized she much have put on some music. The scent of Maca, Vitex, and oatstraw weren't new to him. He was happy that Kylie was preparing a batch for him. He counted down to five minutes since he knew how long to prepare the potion. He listened to every scape of stone against stone to make the herbs into a thick paste. It might not be the best tasting thing in the world but it helped keep his shapeshifting in a balance.

Devin slightly jumped hearing a quiet popping noise. Kylie was putting the mixture in a jar that had a sealable lid. "How are you feeling?" She asked placing the filled jar next to him before taking the crystals off. "Much better." Devon replied opening up his eyes and a smile on his face. "Good. You can come back anytime, Devin." She winked. He sat up and looked at her. "Thank you for your time." He stood up to make his way out of the room.


Yay! I finally updating on Wednesday!

Has anyone sent the new music video "Necessary Evil?" What did you think about it?
I loved it a lot!

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