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Wow it feels like a century since I've last been on here. And I'm really sorry bout that, vanishing off the face of the earth and all. Its just that motivation for me is now really hard to come by since school is now getting harder for me due to being in Jr. Scholars. And no, I'm not giving up on writing. There's no way in hell I'd do that. Over my dead body.

But, I've been taking the time I've spent away from Wattpad trying to hone my writing skills and making my family proud by excelling in school, which is starting to get me stressed. But as it is now summer, I hopefully will have the time to write and make up for the time I haven't been on.  But alas, being in the scholars program means I have to do a summer assignment (Someone pray for my poor soul) and that i have to make a choice for a National History Day project. (My school managed to make it to Nationals hell yeah #TeamAlicePaul )
But I'll try to finish that shit up early so I can write.

Key word: Try.

Cuz for all I know I'd probably procrastinate and ruin everything and bring everyone's hopes up and end up destroying it lol. Ah my life is too hectic for a 13 year old. And I always complain about things being too mundane in my life aaah.

But anyway enough of my useless rambling that most of you probably won't understand, I mean I barely understand myself either haha. I'm sorry for vanishing off the face of the earth and returning a century later. I'll hopefully try to get back into writing these stories and finally updating.

But for now, see you all later!~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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