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Yo! Sup ma dudes and dudettes!

It's finally the weekend and holy shit I have never felt so much more relieved. I'm halfway through finals. I'm finally finished with ELA finals and then next week I'm having my math finals.

Ah, I'm sorry for not being on in a while(even tho it's been a couple days, it's felt like YEARS).

Oh my lawd, I can't wait for these stupid finals to be over. I'm pretty sure some of you are dealing with the same shit.

Ah, imma go now. I'm still tired(I fell asleep at 9:15 PM and woke up at around 8:42 AM) and I haven't had breakfast yet. *Yawns*

Anyway, see y'all dudes and dudettes later!~

(I swear, all these America profiles are rubbing off on me....)

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