Tag #2

34 3 1

I got tagged by APH_Kiku_Japan_Honda to do a 10 Confessions.

... Well here goes nothin'...


1. My mind knows way more than a regular 12 year old should know... Then again, I'm not a normal 12 year old to begin with :3

2. I feel like my mind is way more mature than others since my mind seems to understand things at a way more... deeper level.

3. I'm going through a depression and no one but one or two of my friends irl know about it.

4. I envy my best friend(in real life) so much.

5. I've had suicidal thoughts every now and then...

6. I've tried/attempted to cut once.

7. Is it wrong that I hide my true feelings behind a fake mask in front of my friends and family in real life?

8. I enjoy learning new and different cultures all the time.

9. I love learning new languages. Right now, I'm learning Tagalog, Basayat, German, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, and French, all at once just because I find it fascinating. :D

10. All of the people who follow me and that I follow back feel like my real family than the one I live with.

Tag 3 People:

You don't have to do this if you don't want to. If anyone wants to do this then go ahead and do it. I'm not gonna force you to do this.

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