31/Rant 4 (?)

14 4 0

Ahaaa, hey guys!~

I have never been so stressed in my entire life-- Well there have been a few times but whatever. Anyways, tomorrow, my class plans on presenting our presentations on how we plan on changing the world. And the thing is is that I haven't memerised my part of the presentation me and my group (flowernice123, America, Estonia) have planned. Me, being the shy, self conscious, and low esteem kind of person that I am, am scared shizless that I'm just going to mess everything up and ruin everything for my entire group.

I have stage fright and I've had it ever since 4th grade. Weird since I was never all that shy from K through 3rd....

Anyways, I'm not the best kind of person to deal with stress since I can get stressed real easily and all this is just weighing on me. I have homework piling up, the end of school is right around the corner and all the teachers want us all at our best, and here I am getting all stressed and procrastinating on something important. *sigh* Sometimes I question how I even managed to get into such an advanced class in my school.

I have been feeling so down and stressed the entire day and I just want to curl up into a ball and spend an eternity sleeping. I am so tired of all this. Honestly, I just want to give up. What's the point? I'm having trouble remembering why I even bothered...

*sigh* Can I just sleep forever? Like, fall into a coma where I'll never wake up. I just want to sleep and not have this burden on my shoulders.

I'm terrified, nervous, stressed, and just tired of all this. I don't want to do this presentation at all but I don't want to let all my friends down either. Erhg, this is giving me a head ache...

I just want a break from school and all the projects and school work, and a two month summer vacation is just not gonna cut. Plus the summer assignment I'm going to be getting over the summer is going to lessen the amount of days I can relax. Just, uuuuuuuuuuuuhg.

Man, I wanna cry so badly
; ~ ;

All this stress is taking a toll on me. I can't even right now. That's why I haven't been updating my other books and stuff, but only this one since this is where I tell whatever the fudge is going on in my life. (; u ;)/

And now I'm just rambling on.... I don't even know if this is just another journal entry or a rant.... I'll just put it as both since I'm feeling lazy rn -_-

Thanks for taking the time to even read any of this stuff. It means a lot to me that you guys even bother to pay attention to what's going on in my life ; u ; Aha, I appreciate it so much. You guys are one of the main reasons, along with my friends and family(TBH I dunno bout ma fam, but eh), why I continue on and shiz. I'm glad I got to know most, if not all, of you amazing people on here.

Now I'm just rambling on...


Anywhoooo, thanks for taking the time to even read this and I hope all you dorks and dorkettes have a wonderful night, day, afternoon, whatever!

See you guys later!~

(PS: Being the stupid person that I am, have been listening to this nonstop since it kinda just... fits my mood, ya know? Plus, the PV is just rly sad too ; w ; )

(I so totally feel you, Karamatsu ;v; )

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