Rant 1

44 3 20

I am so tired right now.

Yesterday I had been working after school for 5 hours straight just for my community service hours.

Today I had to work on a PBL(Project Based Learning) on how me and my group could change the world.

I also had to finish making a prosthetic arm(which is total trash) using an Arduino Kit and our micro servo decided to be a b!tch and stop working so we had to make 4 different trips to an 8th grade Jr. Scholars STEAM teacher so that she could help us fix our technical difficulties. My teacher was only staying till 3 o'clock and by the time the 8th grade teacher helped us fix it was at around 2:36 pm and we still had to put the fingers on the arm. Then my friend, who I'll dub as 'Seychelles' had to go, leaving me and my other friend, 'America', to finish working on the arm.

We didn't get to finish the arm since we accidentally spent the remainder of our time playing around with our friends(Haha we're so mature *rolls eyes*) who had decided to stay after school so that they could finish their projects. Thankfully, my STEAM teacher allowed us to take our projects home, so thankfully, America took the project home and I could finally leave.

The bad thing is, that prosthetic arm project is due tomorrow, February 20, 2016. Tomorrow, my mom is going to be dropping me off at school at around 7 AM in the mother-f¤cking-morning so that me and my other fellow STEAM classmates can go on a bus where we'll be going to UCR(University of California Riverside). That's not even the worst part. The reason me and my other STEAM classmates are going to UCR is because we're going to be doing a competition and compete, using the projects we made in STEAM. The thing is, the category me and my group are in, Prosthetic Arm, is one of the hardest projects being made and there is only a total of 8 groups who qualified to go and compete in the Prosthetic Arm competition, including me and my group. I also have to do a math contest in a group consisting of Seychelles and my other friend, Estonia. I didn't even sign up and my STEAM teacher signed me up anyway. I'm not even that good at math....

(America: *Plays 'Why the fuck you lyin'*
Estonia: Nessie, you are smart. Come on, you have all f¤cking straight A+'s and you consider yourself dumb. *facepalms*
Me: But I always cram since I procastinate so much-
Seychelles: Doesn't matter. You still have some of the best math grades. Girl, you got f¤cking first place top scores on our f¤cking mid-terms, and you say you suck at math.
Me: But I do....
STEAM Teacher: You don't have to join if you don't want to.
Me: *Le gasp* R-Really? Well-
Seychelles: *gives me the most terrifying look in my entire life*
Me: Y-you know what, I'll go anyway! *shivers in fear*
STEAM Teacher: Yes! Ok, so you guys are my Alpha Team. My A-Team! You guys got this!
Estonia and Seychelles: *smiles*
Me: *crying* WHY)

Anyway, I am so f¤cking tired. Not only that, but I have insomnia. IN-F¤CKING-SOMNIA. I was planning to sleep in till 12 in the afternoon, but I remembered I had to wake up super f¤cking early, do
f¤cking presentations, have to f¤cking do work, and use my mother-f¤cking-brain. On a Saturday. Yup. My life is a total hell. WHY LIFE. WHY.

If any of you who live in California, have to go to UCR and compete as well, we could possibly cross paths. And this event is not out to the public, which I am sort of grateful for seeing as I don't wanna f¤ck up in front of random adults I barely know about(But I barely know any of the college students at UCR.... Meh-)

Anyway, I'm gonna go now. It's 11:16 PM and I'm tired. I'll see you guys next time when I'm not being b!tchy.

Hasta la Pasta~

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