Tag #4

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Soooo, I got tagged PanEggy to do this. I just have to tell 15 things about me and shiz :P

1. I'm either shy or totally confident. There is no in-between.

2. I have a small(REALLY BIG) soft spot for animals.

3. I get even more irritated easily now for some reason... Puberty?

4. I am total Hetalia trash. As well as for being Black Butler trash. Kamisama Kiss trash. Pokemon trash.... I'm just a gigantic dumpster full of a bunch of random trash.

5. I admit, I haven't finished the Hetalia anime yet. Sad since the episodes are only 5 minutes long ;-;

6. Music is my escape.

7. Sleep is my drug and my bed is my dealer.

8. I have no idea what to put here.

9. I'm usually forgotten in my family. Like, my relatives, when they finally see me, they end up mistaking me as my younger or older sister since all three of us look the same. Me, specifically looking exactly like both of them.

10. When I feel an emotion a bit too much, say I'm feeling way too happy or angry than I should, my feelings just shut down and turn to one thing that I rarely ever do. Cry. Cry and let out all the pent up emotions I've kept buried down since I was a child.

11. I procrastinate... A LOT. But hey, who doesn't?

12. I look like a combo of my younger sister and my older sister. *sigh*

13. I am a middle child, making my life even more worse. Alongside being forgotten within my line of relatives.

14. A lot of my friends say I look a lot like my sisters and then some of my cousins said I look like my brother. Why do I look so similar to my ducking siblings!?

15. Making this thing took longer than I had expected.

Welp.... Yeah, that was quite the thing and shiz.
Now I have to tag 15 people to do this

@I don't even care
@go ahead and do it
@Why do we tag people to do this again?
@go ahead
@do whatevs
@fuck tagging
@I don't even care anymore
@I give up at this point

Hasta la Pasta!~

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