Tag #1

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I got tagged by 0_0SIMPLE_PLAN0_0 to do this.

-You MUST repost the rules
-You MUST tag 13 people
-You MUST post 13 facts about yourself
-You HAVE TO answer 13 questions and write 13 more
-Tag backs ARE allowed
-You HAVE TO complete this within a week

Alright, let's get this show on the road!

13 Facts About Me:

1. I love anime

2. I love Hetalia (Hetalia is number-fudging-one)

3. I'm an otaku despite my username. That was just for the lolz XD

4. I love Doctor Who(The Tenth and the Twelfth Doctors are my favorite)

5. I love to draw

6. I'm broke af ;-;

7. I'm an Aquarius

8. I share the same birthday with the 40th president of America, Ronald Reagan.

9. Naruto and Pokémon were the very first animes I had ever watched

10. I was born in the Philippines but I can't speak Basayat or Tagalog for my life ;-;

11. I'm part Chinese

12. I love astrology

13. I'm a hopeless closet romantic. Yes, I know. I'm so pitiful ;^;


Question Time!

0_0SIMPLE_PLAN0_0 's Questions:

1. What is your favorite ship? Uuuh, either FrUKUS, GerIta, Spamano, or PruCan. I can't choose one XD

2. What is your favorite manga/anime? My favorite anime is definitely Hetalia, but my favorite manga is Dengeki Daisy or Kamisama Kiss.

3. Which color is better: Green, blue, or black? Blue. Hands down blue is better.

4. If you were to be any animal, which one would you be? Either a fox or a cat.

5. If you were to be in an anime, which one would you be in? Hetalia, obviously XD

6. Books or manga? (Forgive meh...) I prefer books.

7. Anime or cartoons? Anime

8. Who is your anime crush? I'm not saying who but he's someone from Hetalia....

9. Who would be in your team in a zombie apocalypse? Italy_Da_Pasta_Lover would be the mascot. Hetalia_Finland would be the gunner. LudwigGermanyAph would be the tactician. APH_Kiku_Japan_Honda would be the leader. France_Bonnefoy would be the cook.
China would be the medic. UK_Britain_ would be the swordsman.
America_Hetalia would be the bomber(cuz who doesn't like blowing up zombies? :D )

10. Who would you kill?(It has to be in order!) England, Kaneki Ken, Tamaki Suoh, Eren Yaeger. I would kill Eren first, then Kaneki, then Tamaki, and then kill England last.

11. What kind of powers do you want? Any of you guys ever heard of Inu X Boku SS? Well, you know how they're able to change into their Youkai ancestors? That's the kind of power I would want. If I were to choose a regular power, then I would choose to fly. :3

12. Favorite Vocaloid, singer, band. My favorite Vocaloid is Kagamine Rin, favorite singer is Brendon Urie, and my favorite band is Fall Out Boy with My Chemical Romance as a close second.

13. What kind of weapons do you prefer to kill someone? Preferably a sword since I've always loved swords, or a gun like an MP5K or Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle.


Now for my questions!

1. Who would you Kiss, Marry, Kill?: Denmark, America, Prussia.

2. Have you ever watched Doctor Who? If so, which is your favorite Doctor?

3. Any special talents?

4. What's your favorite book?

5. Any favorite Hetalia song?

6. If you could ever meet one of your followers in real life, who would it be?

7. If you've seen Doctor Who, who is your favorite Doctor Who companion. If not, who's your favorite anime character?

8. Ninjas or wizards?

9. Pizza or pasta?

10. What is your favorite movie?

11. Got a favorite country? If so, who?

12. If you could choose, would you prefer to live a life of solitude or be surrounded by people who always judge you?

13. If you could change the world, what would you do with it?

Time to tag people >:3
Sorry if being tagged annoys any of you..

Tag 13 People:


You don't have to do this if you don't want to. It's your choice, I'm not gonna force you to do this. And if any of this tagging annoys you, I apologize. For those of you who want to, go ahead. I'm not stopping you.

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