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*sweat drops* Haha, about that...

Soooooo, I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really...

//5 hours later

...really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry.

I got held up by school and just a bunch of other stuff. That and I had like the BIGGEST FUCKING CASE OF WRITERS BLOCK. LIKE, FUCKING LAWD I HAD NO MOTIVATION TO WRITE LIKE UUUUUUHHHHG- Anyway, I know these are just a bunch of excuses and shit but I really am sorry. For lack of updates and stuff.

A lot of school stuff is going on. With me being in advanced classes (Pre-AP) I have a bunch of shit going on. I have a science fair coming up, National History Day, and a biiig project that makes up like 30% of my grade that is for aaall of my main subjects.

  And I'm just stressing myself about needing to keep my grades up to 4.0 and stuff and working on school crap. So I never really had the time to work on my stories.

And when I do manage to find time, I'm suuuper tired from doing school work and I end up crashing on the couch or my bed.

Anywhoooooo, I have been having the worst time ever because of school. But, I signed up for this so I'm gonna have to suck it up and deal with it.

Anyway, enough of the bad news and stupid excuses and reasons! I have some juicy news for all of you curious about my personal and shit. (Even if you aren't imma tell y'all anyway)

Soooooooo, if none of you have seen it yet, I've added my relationship status on my bio and it says....

Come on, guess!


Don't want to? Alright, fine, I'll tell.

I have a boyfriend now!

Yeah, I know. I wasn't expecting to get one either but wouldja look at that! No longer a single pringle haha :P

Yeah, you guys can ask me about my boyfriend and stuff but I won't tell you everything.

Anywhoooo, since I have nothing else to tell you guys other than I'm back and have a boyfriend, imma go now! I'll try to work on my stories too. I apologize for the lack of updates to all of you readers waiting!

Anywhoooo, see y'all later!~

Hasta la Pasta!~

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