Dauntless: Daddy Dearest (Part 8)

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"Hi, Kai! Look at Mommy!" I heard Camille coo from the other room, using that baby voice of hers. "Mommy's gonna getcha toes!"

I sighed as I ran a towel through my short hair, the mirror in front of me steamed up. Camille was entirely focused on the kid now, who was just big enough where she wasn't frightened to death if she laid him in the floor for a few seconds. He was eating his hands at this point, making little baby sounds, filling up his diapers like a champ.

He peed on me once, so I wasn't sure if that was a show of dominance or not.

I took it as one.

I pressed my hand against the mirror, slowing swiping at the steam built up there. My piercings glinted back at me, and so did my permanent frown. I was tired, I'd let Camille sleep last night and had taken care of Kai when he cried; he wasn't so bad now, he only cried maybe once a night, and once I picked him up and bounced him a little he was fine.

Sure, the first month had been hell, but the second wasn't so bad; that or we were both getting used to it.

Although, the sex... I wasn't used to that yet.

I sighed again as I finished dressing, stepping out the open bathroom door. I gazed down the hallway, seeing Camille had Kai on his back in the floor, her legs criss cross as she sat in front of him. She had his little toes between her fingers, making silly faces down at him.

So tough.

"Now how is he supposed to instill fear when you're grabbing his toes?" I chuckled as I walked inside, Camille sending me a look.

"He's a baby, he's not supposed to be tough," she rolled her eyes as she leaned her head back so I could give her a quick kiss. "Not for another few years."

"Ahuh. I still think he'll be leading the daycare into a riot when he's a toddler."

"That's what you hope."



"Yes, please."

I grabbed two cups from the cabinet, setting them down before filling them up. I glanced back as Kai made a squealing sound, and Camille's face lit up.

"Did you hear that? He just laughed!" She gasped, a smile lifting her lips.

"Sounded more like a squeal to me."

"It was a laugh, Eric!"

Yeah, sure, whatever.


I just shrugged my shoulders, setting her coffee down on the coffee table before sitting on the sofa. Kai waved his fists around indignantly when Camille stopped touching him, reaching for her cup.

"How old does he have to be before he starts doing things?"

"Doing things?" Camille quirked a brow at me as she sipped her coffee.

"Yeah. Walking, talking, stuff like that."

"Not for a bit. Usually they're about one before they start walking, I think."

"So he's just going to be a wallowing loaf for another ten months?"

"Eric." She frowned at me. "Stop comparing him to a loaf of bread."

"That's what he looks like."

Her frown increased.

Hey, I wasn't going to lie. A loaf of bread is a loaf of bread!

In this case, one that screamed a lot.

Screaming loaf.

To make my point, the burrito let out a screaming wail, startling Camille so badly she nearly spilled her coffee. She sighed as she sat the cup down, wiping at her lips with the back of her hand before reaching for him, her voice soft and warm.

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