Part 19

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My plan was shit.

I wasn't sure how I was going to make this work, and I knew absolutely no one was going to help me. I didn't have many friends in Dauntless, especially not now, so this was going to be a complete disaster. 
But I had to try anyway.
Of course, I couldn't do it right away, either. I was going to have to play the lovesick pregnant moron for a few more days, make it appear I was desperate to do anything to keep Eric safe --- I knew he was a bad guy and thay he didn't stand a chance on trial, he was a murderer and a monster.
But he put up with my shit, and I suppose I wasn't any better then he was.
And with everything that was happening in this city, it wasn't like it was home anymore.
I had to get out of here.
And Eric had to come with me.
How to go about it?
"Don't 'Camille' me, Harrison! Help me!"
"What am I supposed to do ---?"
"Please! They'll kill him if they get a trial!"
"Camille ---."
"Harrison, please, I'm begging you," I stared at him, my eyes damp and my face stained with how long I had been crying; black streaked my cheeks, my eyes were puffy, and if I slammed my hands down theatrically against the desk that Harrison sat at one more time I was sure they'd bruise.
I'd been working very hard on this presentation. 
Harrison sighed, slowly leaning back in his chair, blonde tendrils of hair falling in front of his eyes as he regarded me seriously. I'd been at this for ten minutes, he knew I was serious and that I couldn't do this alone.
I needed help.
And I didn't ask for it often.
"You want me to help you break Eric out of prison. Then what? Let him go back to Erudite to cause more harm?"
"No, we'll leave --- go beyond the wall! No one's guarding it right now, so we'll catch the train and ride it to the end of the line and ---."
"That's a terrible plan. You don't even know what's out there. And in your condition ---!"
"Fuck my condition! I wouldn't be in this condition if it wasn't for Eric, and I'll be damned if I have to suffer through it alone! He's all I have, Harrison!" There was truth to my words, which is why they were so much more believable. I didn't have family, my list of friends was a very small one, and my public affection for Eric had almost made me into a pariah among everyone.
I knew we could get Eric out and us make it beyond the wall.
I just.... Needed some help.
And I didn't have anyone else I could ask.
I hastily wiped at my face, feeling the soreness of my cheeks, and Harrison watched my every movement; I knew he couldn't figure out if I was playing him or not, if I was really upset or if this was some scheme.
It was about fifty fifty.
"Camille, it's impossible. There's no possible way to get him out of Candor without being seen."
"There has to be! If Tris and Four can escape Erudite, Eric and I can make it out of here!" I argued, refusing to give in. "Come on, Harrison!"
"Camille, you know I can't do anything ---!"
"Of course you can! Please!"
"Camille, are you really ready to forfeit your life for this man?" he asked me finally, done trying to analyze my actions.
"Yes." the answer was immediate.
His brows rose, a little startled at how readily I answered him, how I didn't hesitate. I'd already gone over every scenario in my head, every argument he could possibly come up with and I had an answer for all of it. I'd been planning this conversation for hours, I was pretty sure I'd find a way to convince him, or at least make him lean towards my cause.
"Even if you could get Eric out of Candor, where do you intend on going, Camille?" Harrison demanded, his hands running through his light hair. 
"We could catch the train, ride it to the end of the line and go over the wall. There's no one guarding it right now and we could get out and never come back and we wouldn't bother anyone ---."
It sounded simple enough. 
"You don't even know what's beyond the wall, none of us do! There could be nothing out there, just wasteland after the war. You could go for months and never see another person."
"You don't know that," I argued. "There could be more cities out there just like ours, too scared to explore and see what's left! We'll never know if we don't leave!"
"It's too dangerous, Camille. In your condition, you'd only have a few months before your body begins to swell and traveling becomes too difficult. Think of your child! Even if it was possible to get you and Eric out of here, what about it? It's life is precious, and it'll die out there in the nothing ---."
"I won't let that happen!" I snapped, bristling. 
"You won't have a choice! Do you really want to risk your life and that of your child's on the foolish whim to save a man who would let the both of you die to save himself?" Harrison burst, rising to his feet. "Eric has proven to you time and time again how little your life matters to him! Twice now he's left you to die for his own gain, put you in danger thoughtlessly! If this had been a year ago, you would be on your own raising that child! Eric wouldn't be around to help you, he wouldn't even want it! You know this as well as I! So do you really want to save a man that already is a murderer? That has already murdered children and your own friends? Is that the kind of role model you want for your child?"
I hesitated, a little taken back; okay, so maybe I hadn't planned for that long ass speech from him, I certainly didn't have a come back for it. I stared at him for several seconds, and he sighed, shaking his head, like my stunned silence told him everything he needed to know.
"Camille, I can't help you, and even if I could, I wouldn't. Not for Eric. He gets out, if somehow the two of you make it out of this city, he'd abandon you, or let you die if it meant saving himself. And your life is too valuable to be thrown away like that. I'm sorry."
I didn't blame him, but that didn't stop me from glaring at him.
Fine, if he wouldn't help me, I'd do this on my own! I'd find a way to save Eric and myself and there was nothing anyone could do to stop me!
I didn't bother to speak, just turned on my heel and left the room, hearing Harrisons sigh at my departure.
What was I going to do!?
I needed help! 
"Camille, wait!"
I glanced behind me as I heard my name, and stopped when I saw Tori, letting her catch up with me. She was frowning at me, her eyes sweeping my tired face. She hadn't spoken to me since Eric had gotten here, but considering how much she hated him I wasn't surprised; I'm pretty sure I'd lost my mind at some point trying to defend him.
I should have let him die.
"Hey." I said weakly, crossing my arms as I turned to face her. "What is it?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"About what?"
"That Eric.... That he'd put you in that sort of condition," Tori shuddered, like Eric had given me the plague instead of a fake baby. "I could have helped you."
"You mean helped me get rid of it?"
"If that's what you wanted, yes. I was starting to suspect, but --- how long have you known?"
"Right before all this went to hell." I mumbled, looking away from her, refusing to feel guilty.
"That explains why you were acting so strange," she sighed, rubbing her eyes. 
When the hell was I acting strange!?
"Are you going to keep it?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because... Camille, you know Eric isn't going to survive his trial. If by some miracle he does, someone will kill him anyway. He's on borrowed time --- he doesn't have a friend in the world except for you."
Of that I was aware. 
Erudite hadn't even tried to come for him or even make any correspondence on his behalf.
Maybe he wasn't as important to them as he'd thought.
I looked away with a frown. "Eric isn't all bad."
"Around you, no. On a regular day? Yes."
"Tori ---."
"He's different when he's with you, Camille, even you must see that. You're probably the only person he's even mildly been fond of," Tori sighed. "But he's a cruel person, and he hurts others. Someone like him doesn't deserve to live."
"It's not our place to decide who lives or dies."
"Maybe that's something you should have told Eric before he murdered all those divergents."
I ground my teeth; Tori wasn't even speaking in a cruel way, her voice was matter of fact and almost pitying.
I don't know why I was trying to save Eric, I wasn't in love with him, I'd never been in love with anyone. This crazy need I felt to save him was completely ridiculous and going to be my downfall.
But I was still going to do all I could.
And I wasn't going to stop!
I'd find a way out of this for the both of us... Somehow.
"It's worth all this."
"How can you say that! What does it even matter to you what happens to me?"
"I don't know, you're kind of an asshole."
"Well you are! Now shut up and just --- just shut up!" I was so frustrated! Nothing was working out to plan, Eric wasn't even being supportive! And it was his fucking life on the line here!
He rolled his eyes from where he lounged on the cell bed, not looking at all worried that he could be executed at any moment. It was like he didn't even care!
"Eric! Stop being so nonchalant over this!"
"Woman, come here," he sighed, and raised a hand, beckoning me to him. I frowned, and crossed my arms, stubbornly refusing to move. He quirked a brow at me before rising, his hands catching my hips and jerking me against him. I scowled as he locked his fingers at my lower back, his lips suddenly pressing against my ear.
"You're going to get hurt."
"What do you care so long as you get out?" I snapped, leaning away from him..
He glared at me. "Is that what you think?"
"Why shouldn't I? You've already left me to die twice!"
"What!? I have not!"
"Seriously?" I gasped, shoving at his chest and forcing him to take a step back. "I was shot saving you from falling into the chasm and you left me!"
"One, I saw Four, I knew he was there, you weren't alone and I sent for help! Two, you told me to leave!"
"What about with the factionless ---?"
"You were more then able to handle them! You're strong, Camille, one of the best fighters, I knew you wouldn't get hurt." he sounded so confident. "I had faith in you."
Oh really?
"Well you've never said so," I frowned. "You've never acted like you've ever gave a shit."
"Neither have you," he scowled. "You acted more interested in Four."
For the love of ---.
"Because I'm friends with him!" I practically hissed. "What do you expect? We were never even friends, Eric, we just fuck! You never wanted to change that!"
"Can you really say this is the appropriate time for a relationship? When there's war?" he scoffed. "And you weren't even on my side; you didn't kill Tris."
"She's one of our students, of course I couldn't kill her! How could you even expect that of me?"
"She's divergent, she's the enemy ---!"
"None of us are the enemy!" I nearly shouted at him, feeling my face flush as my anger got the better of me. "Divergents weren't even doing anything! Everything was perfectly fine until someone got the bright idea to start a war! All of this was unnecessary! We could have been safe at Dauntless and ---."
"And what?" he spat at me. "We could have lived happily ever after!? Do you really think the two of us would have ended up together in the end, actually had a baby and been a family? That never would have happened; I would have continued to fuck you until I was tired of you, just like all the others. And you can't say that you wouldn't have done the same with me."
"Not everything is that cut and dry, Eric!"
"It is for me! You've got gold between those legs, Camille, remember that. Use it and you can get any man to do your bidding ---."
"Shut the fuck up, you fucker, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work! I've dealt with your obnoxious fucking prick ass for too long, and if you fucking think I'm going to fall for your bullshit ---!" I ranted, stabbing my finger into his chest.
Eric groaned, shaking his head in frustration. "You're impossible!"
"And you're an asshole!"
"You're a fucking bitch!" he growled, and suddenly his lips covered mine as his hands cupped my face. He whirled, and I felt my back ram into the wall. I clenched my hands in his shirt, pulling him as close as I could, arching my body against his. My lips parted at his demand, his hands lowering to my hips and slipping beneath my shirt to clamp along my waist.
I clung to him, kissing him desperately, that deep-seated worry in my chest making me wonder if I'd ever get to kiss him like this again, if he really was a dead man after all. Was there nothing I could do to save him? To get him out of this place?
Was all this pointless?
What if I was never able to feel him like this again, to feel his hands along my body, caressing my skin? To feel his lips against mine and their occasional sweet words?
I didn't want to lose him!
For some fucked up reason I didn't want this monster to die!
He kissed me hungrily, as if he felt the same things I did, and I didn't want to pull away from him, but I knew I would have too.
"Take off your pants," I ordered, pressing my hands against his chest so I could get enough space to breathe. He actually hesitated, staring at me for several seconds.
"Your pants, take them off."
"Right now?"
"No, in a year --- yes right fucking now!" I huffed, my hands running down his chest to his stomach and then to his belt. I tugged on it, quickly fumbling it open and jerking on his jeans. His brows rose, and he glanced up, as if to remind me about the cameras.
I didn't care 
This could be the last time we could ever be together, and I didn't want to waste a second of it. I jerked his jeans open, my lips nibbling on his neck as I wrestled them down his hips, his hands clenching against my bare skin as he realized I was serious.
And Eric had never told me no when it came to sex.
This time was no different. 
His hands left my waist, slipping down my body to curl around my thighs before he lifted me up against him, carrying me over to the bunk and sitting me down, standing between my welcoming legs. His lips found mine, heavy and demanding as he began removing my clothes, my hands following his actions until both of us were almost bare.
"I don't want to waste any time," I breathed against his lips, my hand already in his shorts, my nails lightly running up his most sensitive skin. He shuddered, his fingers flexing on my thighs, hips eagerly leaning into my grasp as his breathing became hotter in my ear. I squirmed, my thumb running through his pre-cum, knowing he was ready but wanting to please him.
"Fuck," he grunted, his fingers clenching around my thighs, without a doubt bruising them like he always did; I think we both got off on the fact we marked each other constantly. 
After a moment he brushed my hand aside, his lips taking mine as he wrestled my panties off, tossing them away. His fingers were so abruptly inside me I gasped, my muscles clenching immediately at the intrusion as he groaned.
"Your cunt is always so tight," he breathed, leaving my lips to find my neck. "I'm the only one who's been inside you." He sounded so possessive. 
I held my breath, biting my lip as his fingers forced me to stretch, a third joining them. His thumb found my clit, making quick and hasty flicks against it, just enough to make me jolt, make my muscles squeeze. I could feel myself growing wet, my nails digging into his shoulders, but I wanted more --- I wanted him now.
"Fuck me," I whispered, kissing his jaw. "Now."
He didn't need anymore encouragement.
His hands pressed on me, forcing me onto my back, my thighs opening for him as he crawled on top of me, my eyes finding his. The blue were molten, and I could see how much he wanted me just from looking in them. I let my eyes trail down his chest, to the fine sprinkles of hair and freckles, down his stomach to his cock. He was so hard, so ready to fuck me it made my hips squirm.
His fingers flexed around my hips, and he leaned close, kissing me, his tongue slipping between my lips and dominating mine --- and I let him. I let him take control, I wanted him too. 
"Fuck me, Eric," I murmured, rubbing my hips against him, trying to urge him on --- it wasn't like we had all the time in the world here!
I was so impatient! Didn't he know we couldn't waste a minute of our time together? My hands curled around his jaw as I kissed him forcefully, drawing him down over my body. My hand closed around him again, easily making him slick with his own juices, my mind starting to buzz with just the need to feel him inside me again, filling and fucking me until I couldn't remember my own name, until the world was just a blur and we were just together.
He groaned against my lips, arching into my grip desperately, finally pulling away when it was almost too much.
"Fuck," he breathed, forcing my thighs wider as he settled between them, his hand closing around himself as he went to guide himself to my entrance. He only hesitated a second when he remembered there was no protection, but at this point I didn't care, I would deal with the consequences I was dealt.
I arched my hips, and Eric gave in, his head at my entrance, nudging my folds away as he taunted me, inching in but then pulling back. He smirked down at me, his hands curling around my wrists, pinning them above my head and squeezing, his eyes on mine.
I dared him to think he could make it too rough for me.
In one heavy thrust he was suddenly inside me, my back immediately arching at the intrusion, a gasp tearing out of my throat as my thighs squeezed immediately. His eyes closed in pleasure, his hips grinding and rolling against mine, forcing me to lay beneath him ---.
"You're always so fucking tight," he muttered. "Fuck, Camille, you feel good!"
I whimpered as he started to pull out of me, only lightly feeling the discomfort of not quite being ready, which Eric quickly fixed as he started fucking me, his bare skin against mine one of the most stimulating feelings. His bare cock filled me, stretched me --- his hips were relentless against mine. 
He held my wrists above my head with one hand, his other on my clit, pinching and rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers until I was jerking, heat flushing my skin, running through my veins ---.
"Eric," I gasped. He smirked, enjoying my whimpers. He kissed me as his hand left my clit, slipping up my trembling stomach and to my breast, squeezing and molding it into his palm. He caught my nipple, tugging lightly on it, making my back arch again as my head fell back.
I was putty by the time his mouth found my breast, suckling and biting and marking the mound to his hearts content. He wasn't gentle with me, every touch of his skin left a mark against mine, but I didn't care. The rougher he was, the wetter I became, the more wanton --- I wanted him to fuck me so hard I'd never forget, to take me so fully no other man would ever be able to sate me --- exactly like what he was doing.
His hands squeezed mine where he had them pinned, his teeth sinking into my throat and shoulders, making me hiss and squirm, knowing he was breaking skin but hardly feeling the sting. My thighs attempted to clench, and he groaned, his hand running up and down my body, caressing my flesh, memorizing every inch of me.
"You're so Goddamn wet," he mumbled, his breath hot in my ear. "You like it, don't you? When I'm fucking you and hurting you? You beg me for it!"
If I could have caught my breath, I might have answered him.
But all I could focus on was the heat, the sweltering waves washing over my skin, making my eyesight fuzzy and my brain unable to form thoughts or words. All I could do was arch against Eric, beg him for more and pray he'd give it to me. I wanted him so badly, I wanted that release --- and I only wanted it with him!
Only him.
Eric kissed me again, my swollen lips parting at his command as he cupped my face, his thumb brushing through the dampness I didn't realize was there. His kiss deepened, became something more, and his hand finally released mine.
My arms were sore, but I didn't care, wrapping them around his neck as I held him against me, my chest rubbing against his with every thrust. His arm suddenly slipped beneath my hips, arching them up against his and making me cry out --- oh my --!
I came so abruptly I startled myself, heat rushing over my body and stealing any coherent thought I might have had. I shuddered, my head falling back as my vision went dark, everything exploding around me until I thought it would never end.
I didn't want it too.
"Not yet," I heard Eric murmur in my ear, drawing me back to him, my eyes fluttering open. He was still moving inside of me, my skin so sensitized now every thrust made me jerk. I held on to him tightly, winding my legs around his waist, my face pressing into the curve of his neck.
"You can do better then that," I whispered in his ear, my skin starting to slip against his, and I know he rolled his eyes; Eric loved a challenge.
His hand slipped down my side, quickly curling beneath my thigh before he lifted, forcing it over the crook of his arm. I sucked in a tight breath as he sunk deep inside of me, my nails ripping through his back at the sensation, eyes squeezing shut.
This felt amazing!
I groaned, my head falling back again as with every thrust he now rubbed my clit, jolts of new heat stabbing my stomach, racing up my skin. Our bodies were slick with sweat, slipping against the other, but Eric didn't stop, not until I was about to peak again, not until I couldn't control myself and I was shuddering and shaking helplessly beneath him.
He groaned as he felt me clench, finally giving in to his own pleasure. He kissed me, shuddering as he spent himself, panting above me.
Now that had been good sex.
We both laid there for several seconds, his forehead against my shoulder as we tried to regain our breath, tried to...
"We should have done this before," Eric wheezed, barely keeping his full weight off of me. I snorted, letting my weak fingers run through his damp hair 
"Don't get any ideas," I mumbled at him, nuzzling closer absently. He chuckled, and kissed my shoulder before lifting himself over me, his chest still moving heavily. He gazed down at me for several seconds, his expression unreadable.
"What?" I asked, frowning; please don't ruin the moment, Eric.
"Nothing," he muttered, his lips brushing the tender skin beneath my eyes. I hesitated as I realized my skin was damp, and flushed.
Had I been crying during sex!? Oh good fucking --- I'd never done that before! I wasn't that emotional! 
i wasn't pathetic!
I grimaced as Eric suddenly pulled out of me, and my thighs closed instantly, the sorest I could remember them being. I pressed my hands against my eyes with a sigh, feeling him lay down beside me. After a moment his hand slipped over my stomach, fingers curling over my skin.
"It's going to be fine, no matter what happens," he said after a moment, pressing his lips against my arm. 
"Why do you say that?" I still didn't look at him, a little embarrassed my emotions had gotten the best of me and I didn't even know it.
"Well, I could get out of here, on one hand," he commented, but even he sounded doubtful. "On the other, if they execute me anyway, maybe you'll actually be pregnant."
I shuddered at the thought, and I sent him a sour look. "Don't say shit like that."
"What? Have a problem carrying my offspring?"
"I never intended on any offspring, so yeah, sort of. Let's just focus on getting you out of this mess." I grumbled, Erics palm warm against my chilling skin. He sighed, but didn't say anything else, just drew me closer to him, pressing soft kisses on my face.
Why was he suddenly so affectionate?
Eric was never affectionate. 
Did he have the same feeling of doom that I did?
He lifted my palm, gazing at the tattoo on my hand, his thumb brushing against the black ink before he leaned forward, nuzzling the marks slowly forming on my wrist. 
"I don't know how we got involved in this mess, why it turned out this way," he mumbled, his eyes slowly meeting mine. "But I'm glad you're here."
I bit my lip, gazing at him, feeling my heart thump heavily in my chest.
"I won't let them kill you," I muttered, curling my arms around his neck and holding him tightly against me. "I won't let them!"
He didn't say anything, just curled his arm around me, pulling me into his side and holding me there.
It was all he could offer me, all that he had to give, and I would gladly take it. 
But I was going to get him out!
I had a plan!
And even if it got us both killed, at least I'd tried 
I'd never forgive myself if I didn't.


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