We All Fall Down

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Eric leans against the column, watching the sparring match in front of him. One on one, but two of their best fighters.

Male against female, which is usually how Eric likes to keep it; no one should be afraid to fight the opposite sex, not during times of war or peace. You had to be strong, know your enemies weaknesses --- as a female fighting a female, you already know your body type, what could potentially hurt.

And a kick to the nads is actually a universal tactic no matter the sex.

But a lot less effective then it used to be.

Some people get used to it.

Eric sighs internally, bored. He doesn't come out much to deal with initiates, but when he does, he's usually disappointed.

They fall down after one punch, they cry and whimper because it hurts or they're tired. He's yet to see anyone surprise him this year.

None of them seem to be promising Dauntless.

He wishes he could just sideline them all, send them packing straight into factionless. They picked Dauntless at their choosing ceremony, but that doesn't mean Dauntless will pick them.

Everyone seems to forget that.

Of course, it is new rules.

Dauntless isn't Abnegation or Amity, it doesn't graciously accept everyone with open arms. It kicks their ass and spits them out, and whoever is left standing is worthy of being a member.

Eric likes it that way, only the strong survive, the weak disappear. He feels like every faction should be that way, they should weed out the weak and get rid of them in a more permanent manner.

He doesn't understand why the factionless even remain, draining all the extra resources.

They didn't serve a purpose, not in his mind. They were parasites, hanging onto the edges and feeding off everyone else's hard work.

No one likes them.

So get rid of them.

One day, Eric is going to get his way as well, he has no doubt of that. If he keeps weedling away at Max, eventually the leader would crack and come around to reason.

Eric's persuasive that way.


He glances back at the sparring session, arms crossed, face impassive. The female is smaller, almost dainty, but she's a Dauntless born and pretty rough.

The male is taller, thin, but muscled. It's an even match, considering their body types, which is why it's taking so much longer.

Eric wishes they'd hurry, he does have over things to do.


His brow quirks as the male lands a particularly nasty punch against the girl, hitting her in the jaw so hard Eric swore he heard popping. She goes flying back, smashing onto the blue mat with a wonderful display of gushing blood.

Welp, that ends that.

The male wins.

Eric starts to turn away, but pauses, seeing the girl rolling onto her stomach from her back, her hand over her mouth. She slightly turned, eyeing the boy from her spot on the ground.

He had his back to her, another mistake, and had his arms in the air triumphantly to his friends cheers.

it only took away split second for the girl to rise to her feet, attacking him while his defense was down and absolutely slaughtering him.

She ended up knocking him clear out of the ring, unconscious before he even hit the concrete floor. She spat at him, blood running from a busted lip, her teeth stained crimson.

Well well.

Eric smirks, pleased.

She might be promising.

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