Part 18

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"He deserves at least a trial! You can't just shoot him!" I burst, my heart thundering in my chest so hard it was all I could hear. There was a roaring sound in my head, drowning out almost everything else as I unreasonably started to panic.

I couldn't let him kill Eric, I just couldn't.
I don't know what was wrong with me.
"After what he's done, he doesn't deserve anything," Four started, huffing. He kept his eyes on Eric, and I knew he didn't stand a chance; no one but me was even going to make an argument for him.
So I made one of the most unreasonable decisions ever.
I let the dart gun go, the strap over my shoulder letting it swing down by my side as my hand curled around my actual gun, drawing it and pointing it at Four directly.
"What the hell are you doing!?"
"Camille, put it down!"
"Are you crazy!?"
You know what? Yes, yes I was.
I ignored the out cries, my eyes not leaving Fours as I challenged him. He was dead the second he pulled the trigger on Eric and he knew it. Tris was tense behind him, her hand curling into the back of his shirt to pull him back at any moment.
Sad thing was, I really would shoot him.
"Give. Him. A. Trial." I said, enunciating every word clearly. I wasn't backing down, I wasn't going to let anyone make a decision. 
He needed a trial; sure, they'd find him guilty and kill him anyway, but at least there was a chance for Erudite to save their poster boy.
"Give me a reason," Four demanded, finally looking at me. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't shoot him right now."
I wish he'd stop making me think on the spot, I wasn't very good at it.
I stared at him for several seconds, my jaw working. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck ---.
"I'm pregnant."
Did I really just say that?
The room went deathly quiet, so silent I heard Erics sharp inhale of breath behind me, although I didn't bother to look down and see his horrified expression. I clenched my hand tighter around the gun as I saw it was shaking, trying to steady myself, seem more sure.
Fuck I needed a new brain 
"There's no way," I heard Eric finally mutter, finding his voice. "I was too careful --- there's no way!"
Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut!?
"Seriously?" I hissed at him, daring an irritated glance at him. "You were careful? Do I even need to remind you about the roof? How fucking careful were you then? Oh, and let's not forget this fifteen minutes in the broom closet!"
His face actually went crimson, and then immediately he looked sickened, as if the realization had finally sunk in his little "Oh don't worry I got this" moments hadn't worked out to his advantage. 
"You don't have to look so horrified," I grumbled at him, momentarily hurt; I mean, why would it be so bad to have a kid with me? It would have fantastic genes!
"You think I ever planned on having a kid!?" he snapped back at me, and I bristled, glaring at him.
"Do you fucking think I want one!? You're the fucker who got us into this mess!"
"I didn't hear you complaining about it at the time!" he hissed, and I clenched my jaw, lowering the gun I had at Four and turning to face Eric, debating on just finishing the job myself. I wasn't pregnant, not at all, but I definitely wouldn't want someone like Eric to be it's father now would I?
"How do you know it's even mine?" Eric then proceeded to demand, either suddenly losing all his intelligence under stress or putting on as good of a show as I was. He had to pretend to be reluctant to accept his new father status otherwise they might realize I was fucking with everyone.
I inhaled indignantly, feeling my face flush at the accusation. I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but after a his jealous, petty bullshit from before when he'd even thought I was mildly interested in Four ----!
I was gonna shoot him.
"You are such an asshole! You jealous, arrogant, pig headed son of a fucking ass!" I hissed, losing my temper. "Fuck you!"
"You already have!"
"Way to be childish!"
"Me? Listen to yourself!"
"Enough!" Four barked, cutting both of us off before we could start again. We both hesitated, turning to look at Four and his irritated expression as he looked between the two of us, his gun now by his side. He was glancing at us, frowning severely.
"How do we know she's really pregnant?" I heard someone demand. "Just kill him!"
If they tested me---.
"She's not lying," Four sighed, running his hand down his face. 
I wasn't?
"How do you know?" Tris asked softly, reminding me she was still there. It was hard to forget that we were surrounded by angry Dauntless and Erudite, all wanting to take a piece out of Eric for all the horrible things he'd done. 
I didn't blame them.
"She's been sick the entire time we've been here." Four muttered, and I was a little relieved when he holstered his gun. "She really is."
Ha! Suckers!
Me being pregnant would literally not affect the outcome of Erics trial whatsoever, but I could create a big scene and pitch a fit --- and hey, were they really going to put a pregnant lady in jail? 
.... I hoped not.
"Did you get pregnant on purpose?" Eric muttered, drawing my attention again. "You did it just to spite me, didn't you!?"
Oh for the love of --- Eric really needed to learn to keep his mouth shut! I wasn't going to stand here another minute and listen to him be a dick to me! 
So I shot him.
With the dart gun, of course, but I know I startled everyone, especially him. 
The look on his face was priceless.
So there.
"I need to see him!"
"Camille, you can't! No one is allowed to go in except the leadership," Cory shifted nervously in front of me, the one who was supposed to be guarding the door to the cells beneath Candor. He was younger then me, just a peon, and he was shorter then me as well. I knew I intimidated him but for some reason that wasn't working today.
"I am leadership!"
"You know what I mean," he muttered, looking down guiltily.
"Please," I hesitated, biting my lips and feeling my eyes start to water. "Please, Cory, I --- please. I don't know how long he has, I want to see him before, before ---."
I started to cry, which had to be the hormones, right? I pressed my hands against my stomach, driveling for a few moments in front of the horrified man who probably ran at the mere mention of the word hormones. He looked around uneasily, but I knew the white halls would be empty.
"Fine!" he finally burst, starting to look panicked when I didn't stop or leave. "But just for a few minutes, ok? Otherwise you'll get me in trouble!"
Whatever, like I cared.
"Okay," my voice was small, and I sent him at small, wobbly smile as he turned, fumbling to type in the code to open the door. My eyes lit on his fingers, repeating the numbers in my head as the door finally slid open, revealing the bright white interior of the cells.
This place seriously hurt my eyes.
"Thank you," I whispered, and he nodded, averting his eyes as I stepped inside, glancing around.
There the fucker was.
I heard the door close behind me as I strode to where Eric sat, he frowning at me as I approached. He stood when I neared, but I didn't give him a chance to speak, just threw my arms dramatically around his neck and hugged him close. He went completely still, and then slowly I felt his arms creep around me, crushing me to him.
"You clever bitch," he breathed in my ear, and I snorted, clenching my fingers in his shirt.
"I'm doing my best to buy you some time," I whispered in his ear, keeping my voice low and my face hidden from the cameras I didn't doubt were in there. "I hope Erudite comes for you."
"I doubt it, but it's a nice thought."
I frowned.
"Your performance was admirable --- until you fucking shot me!"
I rolled my eyes as I leaned back, aware his arms were locked around my back, keeping me against him.
"You were being an asshole."
"I'm always an asshole. I thought you'd be used to it."
I pursed my lips, letting my hands rest against his chest.
Would Erudite really not come for him? They had too!
Wasn't he important to them?
They couldn't just let him die, could they? 
"Are you going to be okay?" I mumbled, picking at his shirt. I was genuinely a little bit worried. 
"I'll be fine." he shrugged. "What are they gonna do, kill me?"
He chuckled, but I swore it was strained. I felt his lips press against my forehead, lingering there longer then necessary. 
"I'll he fine," he murmured. "Don't put yourself anymore at risk for me, okay?"
"Don't tell me what to do."
His lips twitched. He couldn't have expected a different answer.
"How did we end up like this?" I sighed, pressing my face against his shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Things change, shit like this happens," he muttered, running his fingers through my loose hair. "Plus I'm a badass and not everyone likes me."
"No one likes you, you mean."
"You like me."
"Not even I like you."
I felt his lips curve against my hair.
"I won't let them execute you," I said after a moment. "I'll stop it, I'll ---."
"You're not going to get involved anymore, Camille." he told me firmly, shaking his head. "You've done enough. You'll only get yourself killed."
"They're not gonna kill a pregnant lady, they have morals."
"Camille." His tone was warning, and I knew what he meant.
I wasn't really pregnant, and when they found that out I was so screwed.
We needed an escape plan.
Or something. 
Maybe I could do something? 
Could I go to Erudite and tell them what happened?
Would they even listen and would I even make it that far without some of my own turning on me?
Okay so maybe that wasn't a good idea.
So what could I do?
I chewed my lip nervously, feeling Erics pulse beneath my skin, his arms warm where they were curled around me.
I think he really did care about me, in his own Eric way. Sure, he was selfish, and would always put himself first, but otherwise he cared.
And apparently I did too for some reason.
I was also an idiot.
I heard a hasty knock against the door, and I sighed, knowing that meant that my time was almost up.
"I have to go," I mumbled, pulling away unhappily. "I didn't get much time, I had to cry and be all emotional before Cory would let me in."
"Kids afraid of his own shadow and they have him guarding me?" Eric snorted, shaking his head. "I could jump at him and he'd run."
My lips curved; that was true, I'd never been sure why he'd decided to stay in Dauntless and not go to some other faction.
"Don't come back down here if it's going to cause you grief," Eric told me as I pulled away completely. 
I rolled my eyes. "Don't think you're getting rid of me that easy, asshole. I've got way to much invested in you now."
He grinned.
"Well we are good together, I guess. I guess I'm a little invested in you too."
I flushed, a little surprised, and he only grinned more at me.
I took a step to the door, but Eric caught me, quickly twisting me around. His hands closed over my face as he kissed me, his lips heavy and earnest against mine. I leaned into his grasp, kissing him back with all I had, because I didn't know if this would be the last time or not.
I hoped not.
I had a plan.
Hopefully a plan that would get the both of us out of this mess.


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