Dauntless: Caffeine, Baby?

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Wow, Eric was being more of an asshole then usual. I leaned against the wall with crossed arms as the new initiates filed past sleepily, hardly able to even hold their eyes open.

Poor babies, Eric was going to rip their heads off.

Not that it was my problem.

I technically didn't have to work the babies this morning, I'd just stopped by to see how grouchy Eric was.

Off the charts.

Not that that was my fault or anything, either.

I mean, it wasn't like we'd had a knock out, drag out fight last night because I was slightly pregnant and hormonal and I couldn't stop talking when I should. We'd established that I, the female version of asshole Eric, was going to be a complete and utter bitch for the next six months.

No lie.

I was bitchier then usual.

Also a little round; okay, so technically I suppose I wasn't even supposed to be training anyone, or fighting, and there was something about heavy lifting too....


Didn't matter much to me.

I could do whatever I wanted.

Like leave before Eric noticed I was spying on him.

I quickly slipped out of the room, heading out into the compound. I kind of felt bad about last night, I'd lost my temper over something stupid and it had ended in a screaming match.

Eric never shut his mouth though, even when I was being irrational he felt the need to put me in my place, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Probably a bad thing on his end, it always made me worse.

Sometimes I even cried and then literally neither of us knew what to do then.


I sighed.

Maybe I could offer him some kind of peace offering?

I mean, neither of us had wanted a baby, it had quite literally just happened. All of a sudden, out of the blue, unfortunately, without either of our fucking permission.

Surprise motherfuckers.

I wouldn't have expected any less of a child of mine and Eric's.

It better kick ass too!

It would be the best soldier Dauntless has ever seen; Eric and I are both in leadership, excellent soldiers, although our personalities are shit. Which is probably what drew the two of us together, we were intolerable to other people.

Hell, we could barely stand each other half the time, and I know he absolutely hated me right now.

I felt bad about it.

I should get him some coffee.

Would that be nice?

I could do nice things, even if he said I couldn't! I was fucking thoughtful, you arrogant pretzel!


I was going to put arsenic in his damned coffee if I had my way.

Okay no, I wouldn't. I wasn't going to raise a baby by myself, and I wasn't going to allow Eric to die and get away with it either.

So, he lived another day.

I pressed a hand against my stomach with a grimace. I was already getting that baby bump or swell or whatever it is.

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