Dauntless: Daddy Dearest (Part 7)

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I strode forward, dust clinging to my uniform, knowing I looked like shit. The cut on my face itched as it healed, and my boots were caked in mud as I took the stairs three at a time. I was in a hurry, I had to get to Camille and our kid --- I was running late.

The convoy had taken too long to get here.

Camille would think I wouldn't be there!

I shoved past a few Dauntless gathered at the bottom of the stairs, knowing I had to look crazy as I did my best to move quickly. My body ached after the last few days, the fight with the factionless catching up with me. I hadn't waited for anyone else, I'd jumped out of the trucks before they had even stopped rolling.

I had to get to Camille.

I knew I got some crazy glances, but I didn't give a shit. I took the next set of stairs, the next bridge above the Pit --- five more minutes as I was opening the door of my apartment, nervously glancing at the clock above the wall as I stepped inside.

The lights were still on, and --- it smelled like home. I could smell the baby powder, I could see the carrier on the table, the stupid blue bag with everything the kid needed shoved in it. The coffee pot was still percolating, a white cup set in front of it.

"Camille?" I called, shutting the door loudly behind me as I stepped forward. Was she still here? Was I too late? Where was she? Where was the baby ---?

"Eric?" Camille sounded startled, and I turned, seeing her step out of the baby's room, blinking. Her hair was in a half bun on the back of her head, the rest of it collapsing forward to frame that beautiful face I'd been missing. She looked tired, black rings beneath dark eyes, a baby bottle held in her hand.

"Camille." I went to her immediately, clasping her face between my hands as I kissed her. I felt her surprise as my lips met her own, as I kissed her like I would never see her again. I felt her hand curve around the back of my neck after a moment, and finally she relaxed, returning my kiss.

"Hello to you too," she said breathlessly as she finally pulled back, blinking again. "When did you get ---?"

"Back? Just now." My eyes flicked into the nursery, seeing Kai was still in his cradle. He was making gurgling sounds, just loud enough for me to hear. "I tried to hurry, I wanted to take him to daycare ---."

"He doesn't go until tomorrow, Eric," Camille almost looked amused, her arms weaving their way around my neck. "You're a day early, you know that, right?"

"I am?" Was I?

"Yes." Her eyes scanned my face, taking in the dirt smeared across my cheek, the cut. Her brows furrowed, and she finally took a step back, looking me over. "What happened? I thought the op was going to be easy."

"Nothing is ever easy when factionless are involved," I grunted, running a hand through my short hair. I needed a shower, I knew I smelled like dust and oil. "They attacked trying to steal some supplies, but it was handled."

"You look rough."

"So do you."

She frowned at me, her hands going down to her hips. "You try handling a one month old all by yourself. He screams constantly, he just own't stop. I feel like I haven't slept in days." She groaned, looking down at the bottle in her hand. "You're not leaving again, are you?"

"I don't plan on it." I stepped away from her, just to the door of the nursery. I didn't want to track anymore dirt through the apartment, especially in the baby's room. I gazed at him, seeing his eyes were open as he looked around, and he was flexing his fingers, blowing those ridiculous spit bubbles again. "He seems fine right now."

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