A few years ago, Nabora and Rickie were at my house like always and we were all outside you know laughing and playing, just being kids. Next thing we know, boom.

Kaleb's being thrown outside into the grass by his dad. He was punching him, kicking him, anything you could think of all while Mrs. Neeble---Kaleb's grandma----was trying to stop him. But what could a little old lady do? The whole neighborhood knew Mr. Baker had bit of a drinking problem, but nobody of knew it was that bad. I immediately ran inside to get my dad to help stop it and eventually it ended with Kaleb's father speeding off and never being seen again. Mrs. Neeble was just too old to take care of Kaleb full time so he apparently went to live with a relative out of state.

Anyways, that was pretty much the last time we'd seen Kaleb too. Him and I were sort of close friends, but with me not having a phone and him not having one either, it was hard to keep in touch.

"Oh shit, bitch he looking!" Nabora yelled. All of us tried to look away as if we weren't paying attention while he crossed the street towards us.

I smiled as he got closer. He squinted his eyes and smiled back.

"It's been a minute. I would hug y'all, but I'm kind of sweaty." He'd stated, playing with the ball in his hand.

Hug me, please hug me.

"It sure has. I swear we didn't even recognize you over there boy. How have you been?" Rickie responded.

He laughed. I didn't say anything, just gawked. "Same old Rickie I see, old soul. I've been good though. I'm coming back here for school. I missed it. How about y'all?" He looked at all of us.

"I've been good. Just ready for college now." Rickie responded.
"Yeah, same. What school you going to?" Nabora, added.

"I'm going to FSU."
"Ooooh, that's wassup! All three of us going to FAMU." Rickie exclaimed.

"Oh cool. I remember y'all always telling me that's where y'all wanted to go. Glad to know it's happening. We should definitely link up this summer then."

I still hadn't said anything. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't know what to say. Nabora and Rickie had pretty much did all the talking.

Outside of hanging out with them, I was pretty socially awkward.
"I'm down." Nabora agreed.
"Me too."

"How about you Atiyya?" I slowly looked up. I actually hadn't even realized I was looking down. He fiddled with the football in his hands, awaiting my response.

Nabora nudged me. I knew her and Rickie was beginning to think I was slow. "What about me?" I inquired.

He chuckled. "How have you been?"
"Oh," I stated. "I've been fine." An uncomfortable smile spread across my lips.

Why was I like this 😩

"Thats good to hear." His voice was softer this time and his eyes lingered on mines for a few brief seconds before he licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak, changing the subject.

"Well, I'll catch up with y'all later. Ion wanna leave my little cousin hanging." He looked back to the little boy--who I presumed to be his cousin--impatiently waiting in the front yard for our conversation to be over.

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