Enter Uzumaki Naruto

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Hey guys the titles may seem similar for a lot of stories but they follow the show so don't fuss. Now hope ya enjoy.

"I start the academy soon. I guess this ends your protection. Goodbye Anbu-san, thank you for caring even if it was just a mission." He said, his voice cracking at the end before leaving in a blonde blur.
"Hokage-sama, I have a request." The masked figure asked.
"Unmask before requesting, it is only us...Kakashi." Sarutobi replied to the young man.
"I wish to keep watch of Naruto by becoming his Jounin-sensei once he graduates the academy. For now I wish to remain with Anbu until that time comes." Kakashi he replied never meeting the older man's eyes.
  He's grown fond of the young blonde it seems. Minato and Kushina would be most pleased.
With a small smile and an admirable shine in his eyes the Hokage agreed to grant Kakashi his request.
  "You're dismissed Kakashi and I will speak to the academy teachers and Anbu head about your choice...Minato  would be happy."
   End flashback
Present Day age 11
   "Naruto wake up. You're gonna be late to the academy." A voice said to the blonde figure that occupied the small, worn bed.
  "Five more minutes..." He muttered wrapping himself tighter in his blanket.
  He almost looked like a furry caterpillar with the way his blonde spikes stuck out the top.
  "NARUTO WAKE UP!" the voice yelled as the blanket was ripped away from the sleeping child.
  Naruto flipped out of his bed in alarm, wondering who and what the heck just happened. He lived alone and Iruka was most likely at the academy already. Sensing no obvious chakra signatures he dressed and grabbed a piece of toast before running through the village towards the academy.
  Never noticing the figure that followed his every move and stopping  the villagers from approaching the young boy.
  "Barely...made...made it...Iruka...Iruka-sensei." the blonde huffed out between breaths looking up at a tanned figure with a scar on his nose.
  "I told you to set an alarm Naruto. Maybe you should stay with me while at the academy. At least you won't be late or skip out. Besides I only worry more when you stay in that place, why won't you just live with me." Iruka asked as the two walked towards a small classroom.
  "I told you, I don't want you to get hurt. I'm fine, I promise I won't be late again. I just forgot to set the alarm is all. Don't worry sensei, really it's okay." Naruto replied, his entire face radiating warmth and happiness as he smiled up at the man he considered both a brother and father.
"If you say so Naruto..."Iruka replied a sense of defeat taking over.
The two walked into class and Naruto moved to sit in the back with a boy with spiked black hair and another that possessed a small dog and paint on his face.
  "Is it okay if I sit here Shikamaru?" He asked getting a small nod before the dog boy spoke up.
  "I didn't say you could sit by me! I don't need a distraction sitting next to me." He said with a smirk.
  "Shut up Kiba, we both know full well that your written scores are lower than mine. Always have been and always will be. I'm not your excuse." Naruto said quietly so only Kiba could hear.
  "Pfft...whatever Naruto. At least I'm not dead last in the class." He said getting up to change seats.
  "Thanks, Shika." Naruto said looking over to his resting friend.
  "What for?"
"Accepting me first." Naruto said getting up to talk a pink haired girl that had walked into class.
  "Hey...Sakura-chan do you...maybe want to get Ramen together after class. Or I could walk you home?" Naruto asked a small blush on his face.
  A blond haired girl busted out laughing as the one called Sakura punched Naruto in the head.
  "WHY WOULD I GO ON A DATE WITH YOU...My first date will be Sasuke-kun." She said turning away from the fallen blonde.
  "N-naruto-kun, are you a-alright?" Asked a small girl with grey eyes.
  He smiled at her and slowly stood,
  "Ah...I'm fine Hinata, thanks for asking." Her face turned threes shade of red darker upon seeing his smile.
  "Hinata, do you want to get Ramen with me and Shika later? You can invite Tenten if you want." Naruto asked before class started.
  "S-sure..." Was all she managed to say before passing out.
  Naruto smiled fondly at the Hyuuga heiress and turned his jacket into a pillow, placing it gently beneath her head.
  "Naruto, is she okay?" Iruka asked taking his place at the class front.
  "Hmm...oh yes, Hinata is fine...I think she just fainted is all."
"Well then, tomorrow is your final exam. This exam decides if you graduate or fail. It opens your path to the ninja world."Iruka continued talking but Naruto's mind was elsewhere.
"Goodbye Anbu-san..."
   "Your name is Dog...right?"
One onyx eye could be seen through the white porcelain mask. He's always been there, in the shadows watching. I remember the look of surprise when he realized I knew he was there. He even fled from my six year old self.
  A protector, a watcher, a guardian, my first friend?...
   Just who is he and will we ever meet again?
   I will find  you, Anbu-san...
"HEH!" the blonde said falling from his chair at the loud yell of his name.
  "Pay attention Naruto, everyone has already demonstrated the clone jutsu. But...since you failed to pay attention everyone will have to redo it. This jutsu is vital and important for ninja mission so you must be as to do it." Iruka chastised looking at Naruto.
  "Nice going loser"..."Deadlast!"..."Why even let the Dobe try, he'll just screw up like always."...
  "Sasuke-kun is right, some people just shouldn't be ninja."
   At this Naruto had had enough and he abruptly stood, catching everyone's attention,
  Most of the class stared in awe at the warmth and determination behind his words. Iruka smiled and Shikamaru smirked at his energetic friend. Hinata had woken up and couldn't help but marvel at the boy she'd grown attached too.
  Somewhere in the village a masked man and another watched the whole scene from a crystal ball. Both proud of the young man and sure of the truth behind his words.
   This is the story of Naruto Uzumaki and this is only the beginning.

Hey everyone, so I woke up this morning and had a comment on this story. I just started it and someone likes it, that person made my entire day. Even through all the frustration at work I held onto that comment and how happy it made me feel.
  Thank you again and untill next time, bye 🙋🙋🙋

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