Unconditional Love / End

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"So we are back to work right?" Usui cried on my shoulder as we entered the building, getting ready to work again.

"Looks like it" I added while following the girls.

"Well at least I'm back at flirting with hot girls hehe"

"This bitch.." I said under my breath, hope he didn't hear me..

"Oh why am I a bitch?" He asked, shocked I looked at him wide eyed and then back to my feet again. Well he did hear me.

"Well you're a player, bigger than me, when will you stop with it and at least if you want a girlfriend so bad, why don't you get yourself one?"

"But all of them are my girlfriends so i don't need one" and there he goes again.. he thinks everyone he meets is his girlfriend, wow, this is the true meaning of a gentleman.

I breathed out, I felt like I was suffocating second by second, just the thought that I'll have to face Mr Callem and tell him all this...I'm a fool, bigger than Usui, bigger than everyone.

This is what I am..

This is how we are, it's just who we are..humans,pieces of trash..
Nothing else, we play with people, we don't give any sort of fucks, this is how man kind evolved, and it will evolve..tsk

"Wish I never existed anyway..."

"Huh, did you say something Pispot?" Another nickname? Wow, the world's gettin' better!

"Nope, nothing at all" I answered and walked ahead, leaving to the bathroom, telling them not to wait for me.

I entered and looked at myself. You don't know what time and being useless and weak can do to you..
And what have I done? I can't remember shit! And now what am I struggling to do huh? Raise a child?! Wow, that is so me, by now I should've been skating my heart out, I should've shown Victor everything I have and can do, why didn't I do it?
This world..This world really is the worst..

I washed my face, completely out of the human world, my face would make others think I want to kill or rape them but I can't give less fucks. I went out, what do I do? What do I say? How?

If I'm going to make everything clear, I want to know who caused all this, who took my memories away.

I dial my assistant Levi, he's been with me from the beginning and making sure everything goes smooth.


"Tell me everything about that person, everything!"

"Mr Plisetsky.." he began but stopped.

"Yes? Tell me"

"It's your boss, Mr Calleum" I dropped my phone the second he said that. I don't believe a thing he said right now!

"Why are you lying?!" I shouted through the phone.

"You told me to never lie to you, I am not" his statement was clear and cold, every time he finishes with a low but raspy voice he's always serious about things, and when he's serious, he's not lying, but I can't believe him.. I just can't!

"Listen, this man took me under his wing when I had nothing left and made me who I am, gave me money to survive and have a rooftop to live under, you can't just tell me that he is the one who caused my accident!"

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