Face to Face

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Yurio's POV

I had her number in my hand. I looked down at it. Am I being a complete idiot or I just want to make clear that I don't want to hear about her or even see her?

I dialed her number with tones of regrets but I had to make some stuff clear.


"This is Yuri"

"Hmm, Yuri?"

"Yeah you idiot, Yuri Plisetsky"

"Oh yeah, why did you call me and how did you get my number?"

She said that with a cold voice. She sounded like she was not into even talking to me. Well for a matter of fact...

"We just changed bodies, why the hell wouldn't I call you?!" I shouted in the phone, anger building inside of me.

"You can come by my studio today if you're free, you know where my school is, it should be some blocks away" she said, she sounded busy but no one actually cares.


And then i threw my phone away.

She's acting like a complete diva.


After my taxi dropped me in front of her school I started walking where she told me.

I could've heard so many stupid students from her school talking about her and stuff. There were also some of my fans who wanted some autographs. I love my fans.

As I continued walking I came across a big building. It looks like a agency or something too much sophisticated.

When I entered in, it looked so.


There were lots of people and bodyguards. This place looks phenomenal!!

It took 2 minutes for my selfie. I had to upload it to Instagram but then a woman comes to me.

"Are you waiting for someone or you are here to visit?" She sweetly asked me. People here aren't that annoying as the ones at the ice rink. And that's for sure.

"Yeah, I'm here to see Aoi" I said so casual.

"Mhmm, Aoi?" She clears her throat, isn't that her god damn name?

"Yea, Aoi Shojo" I finally said not waiting for her to go through the files of how many people have the same name as her. She's known everywhere, how could you not know who I'm asking about?!

"Oh, I'm sorry for that, if I'm right, she is busy at the time being"

"And I don't care, she called me here and so she's not busy enough to talk to me" I stood up for myself.

"Umm okay, let me show you where then" and she showed me where her studio was.

"Here should it be, we don't want any sort of problems, if that will happen, we will be forced to send you out" she said as she walked away with me agreeing with the terms.

Knock knock

"You can come in!" She said enough for me to hear and open the door.

As I opened the door I saw her going through some papers. She was confused I guess?

"Sup" I say as I come close and see what she is looking at.

"Hi" she simply said as she looks back and forth.

She is pretty much busy.

"So can we speak about what happened you idiot?" I asked as I found a comfortable chair to sit on. She then looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I don't know what you want to speak about but, i'll hear you out"

Is she insane?

"We just changed bodies and you just say you're here to hear me out?!" I lost my shit.

"Look, no shouting or screaming, okay?" She gave me a death glare.


"So, I don't know what happened but I can say that it wasn't normal you know?" She finally spoke. Well you idiot, I already knew that thing wasn't normal...

"But we can search for information at a library" she said going through some books"

"Good idea, at least you aren't that dumb" I said as I stood up.

"Yeah, we have a big library down, let's go check it" she then started running towards the door but then she completely lost her control and landed over me knocking me to the ground.

I can smell her perfume. Sweet as cherries.

"Oh, I didn't mean to, I'm really clumsy" she apologized and stood up as fast as she could leaving me with a shocked face. I didn't know how to move anymore.

All I know is that my cheeks were burning...

And my chest won't stop giving me those really weird feelings. I can't even describe them.

Another Kind - Yuri Plisetsky Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora