Root B

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Oh god...
Me and Yurio are going on a vacation together and I got no idea what to do.. just me and him? For a whole week?!
Excited and nervous oh my god. I should call Yurio and see how he's doing since I'm totally lost right now.

I opened my contacts and dialed his number, as I went down to the kitchen, thinking of having a meal.

"Yes darling?"

"Hmm... i thought you're only going to call me that when we're getting married.."

"But who said we were getting married?" He responded, without hesitating too much, it sounded like he had no sort of hope... I can't really explain how he said it, it broke me a little though.

"I-I understand.." I answered, lowering my voice, with disappointment all written on my face.

I didn't want to eat nothing anymore, I'm not hungry at all now..

"J-o-k-i-n-g" huh?

"Why wouldn't I marry you? You're the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever encountered in my life, and it will be till the end" did that just came out of his mouth or a suddenly became deaf?

Him saying that it's kinda... I have never..


"Don't tell me you're surprised about my nice speech, I planned it for a long time"

"Wedding Speech?" I asked, smiling like an idiot.


"Oh c'mon won't you stop speaking like you're trying to seduce me? It doesn't work at all I promise"

"Should I come by tonight and try to seduce you in bed? Would that work?" Naughty Yurio? I can't say I don't like the idea..

"Well you have to get ready and I have to get ready as well, let the fun for other time"

"You sound so mature, what happened to my innocent Aoi?" Nothing happened I guess..

"I'm not innocent at all" I responded, after it was a slight moment of silence between us. That's when I broke down laughing, falling down onto my knees, I could feel my eyes water. I can imagine his face perfectly fine. The 'no way you said that' face, it has me laughing every time.

"W-What h-happened?" I was still laughing, trying to pull myself together.

"I'm coming over, you need treatment" I need what?

"Oh.. would you treat me, Mr Plisetsky?" I can't believe I just called him Mr Plisetsky, wow..

"Just.. I'll be over in about an hour, don't do anything stupid" me? stupid?

"Mom? I didn't know you were on this line too, how's your day?" I kept myself again, I felt like bursting out laughing any time from now, I must stay strong though.

Without even realizing it he hung up on me, what a jerk.
My jokes are the best, they are and will be the best.


"Why is he late?" It's been two hours since we talked and technically he... what is happening here?"

He could at least call or message me if he didn't want to come here anymore but no..

He's not answering his phone at all, I'm getting worried.

I dial Anna, she knows everything, as far as I'm concerned she should know, since me and Yurio are dating, she also keeps an eye out for him.

"C'mon answer please.." I say under my breath, moving back and forth, looking out the window and back in the room, repeating it for the one hundredth time.

"A-Aoi..?" She answered, finally.

"Anna, do you have any sort of idea what is happening to Yurio, or where he is? He doesn't answer my phone calls and I'm worried sick that something bad happened to him, I can feel it"



"He was involved in a car crash, and apparently there are no survivors"


"Uh?" I stand up from my seat, looking with watery eyes at Yurio, he was sitting in front of me, and he is alive, alive..

"Aoi, what happened..?" I felt like crying..

"L-Let's go home.."

Another Kind - Yuri Plisetsky Where stories live. Discover now