Not many people experienced what I had. They didn't know what it was like, how much an event like that could change a person.

Finishing the inner pop tart, I turned to the side and sprawled out on the bench. Pulling out my phone and dialing Adrian's number. She was probably in class and it would get her in trouble, which is exactly what I wanted. Just as I expected, she forced me to voicemail by declining and moments later hit me with an all caps,


Tan- 'Eww I thought she was gonna retire?!"

Dri-'She didn't! Now I gotta fucking spend another hour with her heavy ass breathing, thank you very much!!'

I laughed out loud,
Tan-'I miss you Dri fr fr.'

Three bouncing bubbles appeared and then disappeared, only to appear again.

Dri-'I miss you too, what's up? Shouldn't you be in class?'

She knew something was wrong, that's why I loved her, because she knew me.

Tan-'I'm on lunch, but I hate this fucking school dude! Remember that girl in the band I told you about?'

Dri-'Yeah, the one with the bone for you?'

Tan-'That's the one. Well, I fucked up and we kissed, I made it in the band but now she's pissed at me because I don't do relationships and I don't wanna relive the stupid kiss.'

More bouncing bubbles,
Dri-'Damn, so are you still gonna be in the band? I mean, she's in there too, so it'll be awkward dude.'

Tan-'I know, I quit the band. But I have her in my next class, she sits right in front of me.'

Dri-'Don't skip class because of a girl Tan, you need to graduate so you can get the hell outta there.'

Tan-'I'm not gonna skip, but I really don't wanna have to deal with her right now.'

Dri-' Then don't, you have a choice.'

Tan-' Easier said than done.'

I looked up from my phone to see students exiting the building, it was almost time for Economics. Standing from the bench, I read Adrian's response.

Dri-' You're good at avoiding things Tan, I'm sure you can avoid one girl!'

Tan-'There's more than one girl though.'

I knew she was going to have a frenzy with that message, but I shoved my phone in my jeans and returned inside of the schoolhouse towards next period.


You don't know how happy I was when I walked inside of economics and the red head wasn't in her seat. Then I looked at my own seat and saw her sitting in the chair beside it. Her dark eyes locked with mine and I swear I stopped walking, something in my mind literally wanted me to leave the classroom. Then I remembered what Adrian said about skipping, I sighed and trudged forward, sitting in the chair beside her.

"We have a partner project today, so don't worry, its not me trying to get closer to you." Her voice was harsh as she rolled her eyes and picked up the packet that the teacher placed on the desk.

I just remained quiet, opening my notebook and waiting for her to give me something to do. A few moments passed of me just twirling my pencil while staring out the window at the parking lot.

The clock was ticking slowly behind me, I checked it to see that only ten minutes had passed. "Is there something I can do? I know you don't wanna talk to me and all, but I would like to get a good grade on this."

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