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This Man i came to love,

On the cross, where He confess His love

My flaws He knows,

To all my failures, His mercy flows.

This world had crushed me,

But He picked me up and restored me.

Whenever harm comes by the night,

He fills me with joy by the morning light.

Who wouldn't love this man?

Knowing all the goodness He has done and planned.

He gave His all for my sake,

Endured everything, the pain and shame

He did all things with love,

For the future and life i will soon have.

Truly I'm grateful from above

For giving me this Man, whom i came to love.

The greatest man who ever lived, who came to seek and save the lost, whose purpose was to save His people from their sins ... The Word, who became flesh... The Man - God, i came to love, His name is Jesus Christ.

He saved us all!

Mary conceived within her a child, who is of the Holy Ghost.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sin." - Matthew 1:21

It says in, Romans 6:23,

"but the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ..."

No one, who is in his right mind would chose death... if there was and is an option of having life not just life but eternal life. Though madness is not just the reason why there are some, who rejects the idea of God and Jesus... pride is also an issue.

As I've said earlier, we are separated from God because of our sin... just like what happen to Adam and Eve, but we are reunited with Him only through Jesus Christ.

Why? Why through Jesus?

Yes, it is a gift you have received and so you don't need to pay anything at all, you just have to receive it. It is a gift after all but though you have receives it for free someone bought it for you... We can only receive God's gift of eternal life through Jesus because He was the one who paid for it with His life on the cross so that you can have it, you can have your life and eternal life today for free. And know that Jesus paid for it with His blood.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life no one can come through the Father except through Him. (John 14:6) So it is only through Jesus that we can be saved.

In the earlier years, in the old testament... sin are forgiven only after God accepts their offering like ram, doves, etc... It depends on their sin...offering the blood of an animal but then God wasn't please with it anymore. People became worse... to the point that the blood of the animals couldn't cleanse them from their wicked ways. But God has it already planned out because He knows everything, He is the beginning & the end after all. Soon after He has in His Word the prophecy of the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world.

And so what happened, everyone was bound to die... because of their sin...their debt... their unrighteousness...

The problem that we have is as we have already mention is that no one on earth can save us... NO ONE! Because no one is righteous not until God gave us Jesus Christ... It says in John 3:16,

"For God so love the world that He gave is only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life."

God the Father gave His only Son, and that Son was tempted by the enemy, by Satan, because he wants Jesus to sin, as he wants all men to sin and be separated from God for all eternity. Good news for us and a bad news for him, even unto the time Jesus was dying he didn't sin but He died because He bore the sin of the world in Him not His own sin.

Jesus endured everything, the pain and shame.

He was rejected by the world He created.

"All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made." -John 1:3

"He came to His own and His own people did not receive Him." - John 1:11

The sufferings, beatings, the cross, the spits, the mocking, the pain weren't supposed to be his rather ours, yours and mine but He took it for us, in order to spend eternity with Him.

Jesus Christ was obedient even unto His death for our sake... "In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sin." Colossians 1:14

How did He saved us? The event that took place on Calvary and on the cross with the life of Jesus was that God has saved us giving us the choice to believe on what Jesus did - that He took all our sins and died and on the third day rose again leaving sin in the grave and now He is seated at the right had of the Father. His blood has washed all our sin, the blood of the righteous, our Lord and Savior. He was crucified on the cross during the passover, making Himself the final sacrifice & offering to God as the Lamb of God, "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." (Hebrew 10:14)

Washing our sin, means we are cleanse and so we are not bound to die anymore. We are not going to hell. That's in the past! Because the wages of sin is death but since Jesus took away our sin and died for it we are not bound to go to hell rather we will live with God.

From that moment on that we have allowed God's word to revive us we are made new because of what Jesus did in our lives. When you realize what He did for you and accept Him in your life, you are made new in Him. A new creation and the old you hass passed away.

God the Father was driven by His love for us that He gave His Son and the Son, Jesus Christ, driven by love as well that He offered His perfect life as a sacrifice for our sin.

God's love saved us... LOVE.

We are not bound to die because of the sins we commit but then God refuse to take us to hell even if we deserve hell because of what we did to Him and God took it in His hands and gave us a gift instead, God indeed is so gracious. When Jesus came He was full of grace. You can't get the gift of God not unless you go to Jesus. And such gift is the life, man desires to have- eternal life.

God's love is a love that gives life.

I'll say it again, He saved us!

But this new life we can only experience and receive ONLY BY FAITH.

Believe in Him, that He, Jesus, did died for us and on the 3rd day He rose again. Defeating death in the process. And now giving us the eternal life we don't deserve but we desire to have... and be able to live in the truest sense.

Now He is preparing a place for us in Heaven.

"In my Father's house are many rooms... And if i go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and i will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." -John 14:2-3 ESV

To summarize it, Jesus, who is indeed the Son of Man & Son of God, left His throne in heaven and came into this world He created to serve His people. Yet He was betrayed, mocked, shamed, rejected, beaten, and a lot more and He willingly died, crucified, to save you, our Lord and God died for you and me. Now you are saved. Have Faith.

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