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It's in everything we see,

It's within you and me.

Can be express in a lot of ways

It changes you, as they say,

It's beyond the sky,

That makes you want to fly.

The drive that keeps you alive,

The one that sustains your life.

"God is love..." - 1 John 4:8

That statement basically sums up everything about God, for me. He is love. And whatever He does, it is done by love, through love and out of love and the end of it is always love!

And just to be clear, He loves us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

What He did for us, despite what we've done to Him.

All of us sin, right? Who hasn't made any mistakes! Nobody is perfect. (Romans 3:23) We sin now and then. All of us!

And that sin separates us from God. "but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God..." -Isaiah 59:2

It's the reason we're going to hell. And if we are far from God, then, we are in the opposite direction of where He is. That's reality!

But fear not... because God is love, He wouldn't allow us to go to hell without Him trying His best to make us not go there.

Here's a scenario:

God created man but then man sinned against God, their Creator, by doing things that displeases Him, by disobeying Him. But then God stretched out His hand towards us... He made the move for our reconciliation with Him.

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." –Isaiah 53:6

He loves us so much that He gave us His best... giving His only Son to be our Savior. And Jesus dying for our sake- All because of love.

As a mother or father, would you give up your only son for the sake of all the people? Knowing that this is the only way you can save other people. Would you allow your son to be imprison for the crimes he did not committed? To die for the sins of other people? Would you? for the sake of others, would you allow your only beloved son to die for them? Can you bear to watch your son to die infront of you? ...for the sake of humanity. The case would always be that the parent always want to be in the place of his/her child because they cannot bear to watch the death of their own child. To witness the suffering and death of his/her child is far more worse than their own death.

God gave His only Son for us to live, for our salvation. He allowed it to be done. Some would say, "Hey he had plan to raise him up anyways so, what's the deal?!" Yes! God intended to raise Jesus up but the process was never easy... it wasn't just sweat, He bled and died. How can a King be willing to die for His people and Jesus did it! Would you being a master of your house be willing to die for you servant, who has sinned against you? One who has betrayed, rebelled, disobedient, ungrateful and wicked servant. Even before the snake tried to deceive Eve and even before the foundation of the world God has already plan to slay the lamb for the salvation of mankind. He knew man would fail Him yet He cannot but make man still for He had plan to make us the object of His affection and by His pleasure He has made us.

Would you die for the sake of other people... to admit the crimes of others as your own to save them? To give them life for your death? Would you? But the question I think would be: Are you able to give life to others after your death? Are you capable of saving others? Anyone can just die... but the question is: Is your life so pleasing in God's sight that once you die for the sin of others, He will forgive humanity for all the sins they have committed against God?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave up not just the throne in Heaven but importantly His life for us, He who knew no sin though He was in the same manner tempted as we were, yet He sin not in order to bore all our sins and faced death for our sake. He did it.

It's hard to decide... heartbreaking! I mean, how would you do it? Or do you have to decide on it... of course as a parent, you'll do things for the sake of your child. To protect them at all cost.

I remember someone saying, a mother, "I'm fine, not eating anything as long as my children are eating." Or a father working late at night for the future of his children. My parents are just like that... they like to suffer more and not let us know about it and their love is sacrificial.

Could you just imagine, what God the Father felt when he gave up His only Son for our salvation? And how Jesus endured everything and was obedient even unto His death?! How is that possible! Though we will never come to understand for now but one thing is for sure... He loves us! (John 3:16)

His love is unfailing, unconditional and immeasurable! No one can ever love you like that, only God can. (Read Romans 8:39)

The greatest manifestation of love happened in the Calvary, on the Cross, where the Son of God, Jesus Christ, died for you and me!

A love cannot be complete if it is not express, not just in words but importantly in action. The works solidifies the value of love the other person is experiencing. The end is for the one being shown such love is not just to feel the love but to be affirmed that they are love by the confession of our works that speaks to them of the love we have for them. And in love, you cannot but give. The cross tells us of how much God loves us, of how Jesus loves us... He gave His life for you and me, for us. And that love saved us all!

My Notes of FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora