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You might ask, how was i saved? Or how will I be saved? Why am i being saved? Do i even need saving?

Well, first, we are bound to hell, second, we can never save ourselves, third because we can't save ourselves- we a Savior to do so... and that Saviour is Jesus Christ. God gave Him to us to be our Savior.

Why are we bound to hell?

Romans 3:23 & 6:23 says so! It is written:

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God... for the wages of sin is death..." says it ALL.

Are you perfect in God's sight?

We all sin. Sin in thoughts, words, actions, doing things that shouldn't be done... All things that displeases God... not doing His will and command.

And so God's Word is law. In the same way that our government made laws to protect and to govern people for the greater good of all, If you have violated the rules/laws there is a certain price to pay, right? Justice needs to be served. There will be consequences. How do you think man have thought of prison/ jail? Such wisdom comes from God to set orders. Take note that God is just and so He will carry out the action necessary for your sins, no matter how much He loves you, It will never change the fact that you violated His Word/laws.

"The soul who sin shall die..." -Ezekiel 18:20

Hell, is the place of torment, a punishment for those who sin, to those disobedient... to those who didn't believe in Jesus Christ, the one God sent for us to be saved. Just think of it as a prison but the sentence is eternal damnation, and once you're in hell, there's no escaping hell. Let me just note that Hell was created for the devil and his angels, but to those who sin and continue in it are called children of the devil.

So, we have a problem. We are bound to hell. With that problem comes a bigger problem:

We can never save ourselves.

If you thought that maybe i can save myself... by doing good things, donating, obeying your parents, joining religious groups, tithing, etc... or start to do the ten commandments. But I'm sorry to inform you, you just can't. It's the truth though i have to say that these acts are good. (If you're a Christian then, it'll make the Gospel beautiful- which is one of our main purposes in life.)

Is there a standard or level i can reach to be saved? Well, there is...

"You therefore must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48 (ESV)

Be perfect. But we can never achieve that level.

If i put it this way:

Our sins are chains and we are being imprisoned.

In the same way as criminals are being imprisoned because of their sin, like murder or robbery, etc. Let me tell you that it doesn't matter how small or big your sin is...

...even if it's just a small sin, unrepented sin... if you die now you are going to hell.

If all people are being chained and are imprisoned. How can they escape? How? Who is there that can help man? When everyone else are in chain!

It's like being trap on the inside and the only way you can go out is that if there's someone on the outside to open it for you... And if all people are trapped or imprisoned, how can you escape? Who will save you when others are being locked up as well? No one can!

You can't even save yourself because you just can't! It's pointless no matter how hard you try to open a door that can only be opened on the outside. And you can't expect from anybody as well because they can't even save themselves because all have sins, therefore, all are imprisoned/chained.

Nobody can save himself/herself because nobody is perfect... it needs a perfect person or a sinless man to save others. A person without chains and who is not imprisoned or trapped.

That's our greatest problem! We are in dire need of someone to save us from our own crooked ways... from our unrighteousness, from our sin... We clearly need a Savior... that's our ultimate problem!

We need a Saviour.

We need someone to free us from our chains... to free us from our sin.

God solved our greatest problem by giving His only Son, Jesus Christ, as our Saviour, who had lived a sinless life though He was a man. The Bible is clear on that statement, though, at the end of His last days He was covered with sin, not His own but the world's sin because the point of His existence is for our salvation. "...to save His people from sin." (Matthew 1:21) knowing where sin will lead us to- death – Hell!

As it is written: "All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's path to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all." Isaiah 53:6 (NLT) Jesus took our sins and died in our stead. That's how we are being saved.

If you were in the court, with all the crimes or sin within you, that is worthy of death... and you are guilty of all sins... But Jesus bore your sins and died for it instead of you. The punishment of your sin has already been paid for the very day Jesus was crucified on Mount Calvary. When it is already been paid for, how can you then pay for it? If we are all imprisoned... and if we scream for help... it is not religion that can save us, nor your good deeds, nor your neighbour, not your job/career, nor your education, not even the person whom you love, nor the president, nor those on the streets... the only person that can help us, the name we should call in times of trouble... is Jesus Christ.

News Flash: Even if you haven't called for Him, He has still paid for your penalty by dying on the cross for your sins. But if the other party didn't know and understand that he/she has already been save and paid for, he/she can still be led astray unto death being deceived by the enemy.

Know and understand, therefore, that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Lord. The moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God a curse had crept on man but God has also plan for the salvation, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15) that latter part of the sentence was what had happened on the cross. Jesus was crucified though the scene may seem dark as it was but it was a victory, He defeated Satan and death in the process on the 3rd day He rose again. The grave couldn't hold Him down.

Oh, the cross was indeed a loving event planned for good for humanity's sake as John Piper said it once.


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