The Devil's Triangle

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As everyone runs to the hall, I note a very sad look come upon Sara's face. I go up to her and give her a gentle hug, "Sara, what's wrong?"

"It's just that-," and she sniffles a bit, "Moonie left us! He left us for that Clan scum... I can't see my innocent little puppy killing someone, I have to help him!"

I hold her closer and say, "Oh, Sara, my dear," I can feel that she is really hurting about this, and that makes me hurt too, "Don't worry, after lunch we will go and save him. For now, Ian and I will help you serve up the campers."

She hugs me even more, "Oh, thank you so much Jon! You have no idea how much that means to me! Oh, yes! The both of us will go out with a basket of cupcakes and ask for the return of Moonie."

Hannah taps on her shoulder, "That sounds like a lovely idea, but if I were, you, I would be getting to serving these hungry campers. I mean, let's just say David Gilmour and Rick Wakeman can get terribly grumpy when they are hungry..."

I look over, and sure enough they were really grumpy:

"If I don't get some sustenance in the next minute, I'm going outside with a knife, cut up a tree, and then make a salad from the leaves! Then I'll go into the river and catch a fish with my bare hands!" David shouts, "Does someone have a knife I can use?"

Roger laughs, "Ha! I'd like to see you do that, Gilmour!"

Kay puts her arms around David and says, "Shh, darling. Let's not talk about hacking up trees or fishing with our bare hands. Besides, I doubt anyone has a knife on them," then she whispers to Keith Emerson, "If you give him one, I swear to God..."

Sara immediately comes running out with a pot of soup, and then a sandwich tray, and then several other trays of things, namely potatoes. Finally she shouts, "And.... we have quiche!"

Everyone stampedes to the table, and Jimmy shouts, "Ohh! There will be nothing left for me!"

"Calm down, Jimmy. I bet Sara has food especially set aside for you!" Lee says.

"Really?" Jimmy beams.

"No," Lee snarls.

I grab myself some of the nice quiche- or rather what's left of it. As all of the campers sit down, Carl cries, "Where is my vegan food?"

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