I ran down stairs grabbing all of the boys bag looking at the time it was 8:39 Levi had packed their lunches I really do love him.

"I'll take Gabriel and Julian"he grabbed there hands. There's his true self shinning through he left me in charge of the fussy twins.We finally left the house saying goodbye to Helga (babysitter). When we got out At the corner of my eye I saw Elias.

Elias P.O.V

We got to the bus stop Levi had found his friends and took 2 of the boys with him."I'm cold" Landon moaned."I put a hoodie in your bag"Skylar said while tying Lincoln's shoes. "How I meant to reach it Its on my back"he cried out."Ill get it" I said seeing Skylar getting angry."Thank you"."No NO NO"Lincoln shouted."I don't like it double knotted".Sky looked to tired to argue so just did as he said.

Skylar had to leave me when we got to the entrance to go drop her brother's. So I made my way to the office with Sky's trusty directions. I got there and there was a old hairy women there I had so many jokes but it was my first day I didn't want to break any rules.

"What do you want" she said not looking up from her computer."I'm a new student may I please have my timetable " I politely asked. "Name" she said still not looking up.

"Elijah Elias Demetri" i said. She kept quite for a while waiting for the timetable to print out."get out" she said passing me the timetable.

Even though I was in Grade 2 I had a really hard timetable today I had tutorial Math English Art Science History and then IT .I was walking around looking for room 10.

I finally found it and I was late. I knocked on the door."Ow hello hello you must be the new student introduce your self" a funny young man dressed in all the colours of the rainbow asked.

I stood in front of the class "My name is Elias" I said. Everyone looked up "OMG no way it's the team 10 kid shut your face" a girl in the back screamed."It's impossible to shut my face" I smirked.

"Please sir can I take of photo with him" she begged."No you can do it in your own free time" he said."As it is tutorial you may sit next to anyone of your choice"he laughed looking at me.

I didn't know anyone I was panicking."sit next to me" someone shouted."no me"."no me" everyone started arguing. I was so relieved when I saw Sky and an empty seat next to her.

"Quite down everyone let the boy choose". Everyone was staring as me "Skylar"i finally said.

I was walking to the back seat when I could hear whispered saying "why would someone so cool want to hang out with a loner".

"Hey sky"I said sitting down."hey"she replied back." I hope I have every lesson with you" I said."you will were in the same tutorial group" she said.

"You never told me you were famous"Sky slapped me on the arm."You didn't ask me plus I wanted to be friends before you knew I was adopted by a group of famous teenagers"I said."oh I get what you mean don't worry i'm not a user and plus I'm happy were friends".

We had Tutorial for only 20 min I didn't really get it we sat there just talking. Math English Art went quite quick. It was finally lunch time I decided to sit on an empty table. A shy boy came sitting next to me although I didn't realize he was disable as he looked the same as everyone else.

I need to make friends might as well start now."Hi" I said reaching out for a handshake."my name is Elias"I said still waiting for a handshake."I don't think you should talk to me your probably the most populist kid in our grade and I don't want to muck that up for you if anyone see's me with you your life will be over"he finally stopped talking.

"I don't care" I said still waiting for the handshake."Fine your funeral my name is Archie" he said shaking my hand. We sat there and talked for the rest of lunch although we didn't have many things in common he seemed happy talking to someone.

I got into science Sky was sitting at the back reading a book."That's a great book" I said standing in front of her."Thanks I'm starting to like it if you spoil it for me I will kill you"she said putting the book down from her face."We're were you at lunch" i asked."Music room"she said."sorry if I left you alone" she added."That's okay I made a friend his name is Archie" I said."Good he needs a friend I tried but he gets very nervous around girls " she said.

The science teacher came in he looked like a jolly kind of guy."Hello class how has your day been so far"."BAD!!" Everyone shouted together."Good"he sarcastically said.

Mr Smith (science teacher) put me next to this girl could Emma and she wouldn't quit staring at me I was place right at the back of the room.

It was half way through science which was so easy I wish i could be in higher class. My eye met Skylar someone had thrown a paper ball at her head first I thought it was just a joke from her friend. Then a boy with a Buzz cut came strolling around her and when Mr Smith wasn't looking he tugged her hair and slapped her head.

How dare he do that Skylar was such a nice and kind person. He still would not stop so I walked up to him and pushed him too hard he fell straight to the ground "why you tugging at her hair you can see she doesn't like it"I shouted."What you going to do about it pretty boy" he laughed. I jumped forward to attack but Skylar got up from her seat "please don't start a scene its fine he does it all the time"she said trying to hold me back.

That made even more angry knowing he does it all the time but before I could say anything Mr Smith shouted from his bottom of his lungs "Principles office now Elias Skylar and Eliot".

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