I stared at him, his brown eyes stand out more from his lightly tanned skin, his black hair was matted to his head while his bangs were glued to his forehead. His white polo shirt clung to him like a second skin, the muscles underneath standing out more.

"You okay? Are you hurting?" he asks, suddenly speaking and snapping me from gazing at his form.

I lick my dry lips, tasting the sea. "C-c-cold." I whispered hoarsely: mind still blank and processing a bit.

His gaze snapped back up to mine from sliding his eyes down my body for any injury before looking at something over me. Suddenly a presence shifted to my other side as I turned my attention from Xavier to my other side.

"Her lips are turning blue," Dylan said, his eyebrows scrunched up. "I just mind linked your Dad, he's coming down," he said to Xavier, just as he pulled me into his arms.

Fireworks were exploding in my body at his touch, my reaction was slow and all I wanted to do was get warm.

"You need to remove her jacket, it won't help her get warm," he stated and reached out, pulling down the zipper of my jacket down when a growl stopped him.

It came from Xavier, his chest vibrating with small growls as he glared hard at Dylan's hand, seeing this Dylan retracted it. Slowly, Xavier slid the jacket from my body, resulting me to shiver more violently as the wind began to pick up, with ease, he pulled his shirt over his over his head revealing his chest to my eyes.

My eyes widen.

'Lord blessed this one real good.' I couldn't help but think, almost drooling at the sight.

His arms wrapped around me fully, pressing me up against his chest to the point where my chest rest on his collarbone, facing his neck. Warmth engulfed my body, my shivers ceased and I snuggled closer to his chest. He held me tight, my body fitting perfectly in his lap.

"I'm so sorry," Xavier uttered in my ear, pressing me closer to the warmth his skin gave off, his chin resting on top of my head. "I didn't mean to drop you, I'm sorry." he hugs me tighter.

I didn't say anything back, the warmth his body gave me lulling me sleep. It was then that I was almost in dreamland that the sound of fast approaching footfalls crunching in the snow filled the air.

"Abigail!" I heard that familiar voice.

I lifted my head and turned to look over my shoulder to see Dad, running towards me, in nothing but soft shorts; no shirt nor shoes. Once he reached us he fell to his knees, hand flying to my shoulder as he looked me over just like Xavier had.

"Oh my, pup," he whispers, sadly, stroking my head.

"We have to get her back to the house," Logan said as he jogged up. "She might be warm for now but she still has a chance to catch hypothermia," he adds seriously.

Dad looked over at him with a clenched jaw and then back the three of us, my eyes were shut, just wondering to god what did I do to be in a situation like this. I felt Xavier shift, then stand to his feet, walking towards the edge of the forest from the spot we were at.

I had so many questions. And they all knew I did.

~ • ~

I ran my finger along the edge of the steaming cup of tea, a thick blanket that was wrapped around me, as the fireplace heated up my body further. The room was quite. . awfully quiet.

Dad sat with Mom across from me on the other two seated, neither of them meeting my eye. Logan and Dylan settled themselves on the three seat sofa, tense. And Xavier was seated beside me, he's been acting different since we came back but I could still hear that one-word ringing in my head before I plunged into the water.

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