I Love You

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Previously on Journey To My Past...

"Cole?" -Jay

"Y-Yeah?" -Cole

"Your In Trouble..."
Lloyd's Pov
I heard Cole gulped. He started to shake and sweat a little. "W-What!?" Cole asked. Jay smirked. "Run." Jay said. Cole immediately ran. "Leave him alone Jay." Alex said. "He gave you a Hickey!" Jay yelled. Alex frowned. "And?! I let him! Don't act like you do that to Nya!" Alex yelled. Zane snickered. Kai frowned.

"I'm married. Your not!" Jay yelled. "Just leave me and Coke Alone Ok? Just be happy for me for once!" I yelled. Then Alex left. It was quiet for a minute. "Who knew Alex and Cole made out?" Kai asked. No said anything. "I thought they weren't ready." Zane said

"Cole's a good kisser. Who knew? I can say that." Kai said laughing teasing Jay. Jay glared at him. "Shut up." Jay said. "Man.. Did you guys see the way Cole lowered his lips slowly down to Alex's neck?!" Skylor asked. Everyone nodded. "Indeed. I'm impressed." Pixal said.

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