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Alex's POV
I woke up in a room... My room, at my parent's house. I was behind my dresser, I saw myself waking up barefooted... This is when Lloyd and I...

Kissed? Admitted each others feelings?


I turned to see Monty next to me, he smiled sadly.

Why are we here?

Like I said, Goodbye Lexy...

What do you mean goodbye?

You know...

No, I don't...

You just have to be patient... You'll see what I'm talking about...

Monty, you're scaring me...

I'm sorry, but I'm speaking the truth...

Monty... How are you a vision?...

My body is somewhere in my memories... The one I truly love.... It's up to you, to find out which one...


Go have a...

Have a what?

Journey To My Past...

Monty... I-

"Dang it Alex! Why won't you just tell me?! Just tell me! I need to know! I want to know! I should know! I-"

"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I yelled. Lloyd froze, he was staring at me. I was breath hard. "Damn it Lloyd, why can't you see that? I'm in love with you... I can't stand to see you... Your like a drug to me... I'm obsessed with you... I thought if I broke our friendship then maybe... Maybe I won't be in love with you... But I was wrong. Whenever your not here, I want you, I need you.... So there you go. You wanted to know so bad... Yes Lloyd Monty Garmadon... I'm in love with you, if you like it or not." I said.

I didn't look at Lloyd, I didn't want to see his expression. I bet you he hates me. Lloyd cupped my cheek. I blushed, he blushed.

"I'm in love with you too." Lloyd said. My heart froze, my chest was pounding, I think Lloyd heard it. He chuckled. "Cole..." I said. Lloyd nodded. "I know. This makes us bad people..." Lloyd said.

"I know." I said. Lloyd smirked. "But... No one has to know... This one can be our secret..." Lloyd said. I was confused. "Wait what?" I asked... It was too late... Lloyd crashed his lips into mine... Lloyd was kissing me... I was kissing back...

Lloyd's lips were so warm... Lloyd is kissing me... I'm kissing back... I moved my lips to the right, Lloyd to the left... Cole's lips were always cold, Lloyd's is warm... This is so... Bad... But I like it...

Lloyd grabbed my hips, and moved me closer, I was sitting on his lap. I blushed, Lloyd lowered his lips down to my neck... I blushed.

I kissed his cheek, he smiled. Lloyd was holding my back, my chest touching his chest. He was rocking me side to side. My arms were wrapped around his neck. I was playing with his hair.

We were staring down at each other, eye to eye.... War Of Love... Green Lightning... This is what I call it... War Of Love... Lloyd leaned in and kissed my lips, hunger. That is what it was, Lloyd has been waiting for this...

He didn't want to stop, I didn't either... But... This isn't right... Lloyd knows it... I know it... Lloyd cupped my cheek again, I grabbed his chin and leaned in to kiss his lips...

Monty! I can't believe it!

What? I look even hotter kissing you in a memory?

What? N-No! I can't believe this is your memory!



Why do you think I call this on Goodbye Lexy?


I froze. I watched as Lloyd and I kissed. I sighed... We fell in love with each other.... I looked at Lloyd, he was staring at me the whole time.

You knew me as a friend, a sister, you knew me as a best friend, a family member.. We said we loved each other every day but... We didn't mean it like that... As we grew older... We fell in love... You fell in love with the new Lexy... Your saying... Goodbye to the old Lexy...

Sadly... Yes.

Tears went down my cheeks.

Are you ok?

No, I fell in love with my best friend...

Is that a problem?

I looked at Lloyd, he looked offended.

I don't know anymore Lloyd...

I don't know either...

I looked at Lloyd, I took his hand... It tried to... My hand went through his hand. I gasp.

You can't touch a vision...


I know...

What now?...

Now, you...

I what?


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