Your Life Part 1

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Lloyd's Pov
Alex and I were in our room. Alex was humming and I was shooting hoops with my socks in my sock drawer. Gosh I'm so bored. Alex sighed. "Why do we get in trouble for having fun?!" Alex yelled. I sighed. "I don't know Alex!" I said. Alex threw a lightning ball at her bed. Good thing it's lightning proof. "THIS IS SO UNFAIR! UGH!" Alex complained. "I know!" I said agreeing with her. "I can't believe it! No more Waffles!" I said. Alex nodded.

Two hours later…
(Still Lloyd's Pov)

Alex and I got hungry so we ran downstairs. Everyone was in the living room. We could tell that Everyone was watching us. We pretend not to see them. Ignore them while we have fun. Piece of cake. "You want Pancakes or eggs?" Alex asked. "Both!" I said. "Fine! But your going to make the eggs!" Alex said. "Ok." I said.

Alex hates eggs. She can't stand them for some reason. Anyways I grabbed the eggs and Alex grabbed the milk. "So Bacon with it too?" I asked. Alex nodded. Alex grabbed the bacon and put it on the counter.

Alex saw some orange juice so she grabbed the carton and drank some of the juice. Then she burped. "EW!" I said. Alex frowned. "Oh quit being a girl! You do this too! Plus... I've been around boys more then girls." Alex said. I shrugged.

We heard the guys snickering. People can't mind their own business! I rolled my eyes and looked at Alex again. She was trying to hold in a scream. Why?... I looked down and saw a spider oh no...

I covered my ears... And... "AHHHHHH! SPIDER!" Alex screamed. I looked at her then the spider then her then the spider. "Are you afraid of spiders?" I asked. Alex nodded. "You know I am!" Alex yelled. "Ew! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! LLOYD! LLOYD! HELP!" Alex screamed.

"Ok calm down. I got it." I said. She looked like she was gonna cry while it kept crawling to her. I looked at it and stepped on it. Alex was quite. I heard Kai laughing. "She starts to scream over a spider?! AHAHAHA!" Kai yelled/laughed. Jay and Cole were death glaring Kai. Kai didn't notice it.

Alex never told me why she was afraid of spiders… Alex saw Kai laughing at her. "Please stop it Kai." I warned. "I will when Alex stops being afraid of spiders. HAHAHA!" Kai yelled/laughed.

Alex's eye went watery... Oh no... Kai made her cry... I looked at Alex in her beautiful crystal light blue eyes. I grabbed her waist pulled her closer into a hug. I felt warm tears on my shoulder... Oh crap... She's crying... She's actually crying... "F-Fine! L-Laugh a-all y-you w-want!" Alex said.

"Alex wait!" I called but it was too late. She left. Kai stopped laughing. "Where did she go?" Kai asked walking in the kitchen now standing next to me. "Did she go find a spider and "kill" it?" Kai asked. Kai laughed some more...

OK that's it! I don't care if I'm grounded. No body... Makes my best friend cry... "Oh did she go talk to the spiders?" Kai asked laughing making no sense.

"AHHH!" I yelled. I tackled Kai to the ground. I punched him in the nose. Bit his hand. Kicked his balls. Mom had to pull me away. "LLOYD ENOUGH!" Wu yelled. I didn't listen. I shot a energy ball at Kai.

This Jackass is going down... Say goodbye to... Your Life...

Journey To My Past {Book 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ