(30)Bleu de France (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

I kept my eyes on the struggling sun.

Her empty, soulless body.

The icy wind picked up.

Thanatos watched me with care. He spoke up, his words almost a whisper against the loud howling; "I'm sorry."

I stood up slowly; my dress blowing in the wind. I walked slowly past him, my eyes on the glass door to my room. Thanatos didn't attempt to stop me as I passed.

My hands were cold, my words were colder;

"You should be."

Hypnos opened the door with a frown; "Aurora, can I help you?"

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Hypnos opened the door with a frown; "Aurora, can I help you?"

"I think we should try again- to find Hecate."

Hypnos held the door, but didn't move to let me in; his eyes scanned over my shoulder- "Where is my brother?"

"He won't be joining us..."

I stepped through into his room, not bothering to wait for his invitation. My mind was going at a hundred kilometres an hour and I had no idea if it could stop.

Delilah was dead.

"Aurora..." His tone was cautious, as if handling a wild animal; "You should rest."

I laughed; "Don't be ridiculous! I have stuff to do, and so do you. Let's start."

Hypnos' sunset eyes widened at my harsh tone. I was prone to snapping when I felt stressed and depressed. It was something I'd never quite learned how to control, but Hypnos wasn't having any of it.

Like his brother, he didn't bother to take any crap; "You need to calm down and rest, your body and mind are going into overdrive from all the excitement in the past few days-"

"Excitement?" My voice froze over with ice; "You call yesterday, when a young woman jumped from a tower to her death, exciting? You're all the same; you don't care about anyone but yourselves!"

"Delilah was broken long before Thanatos met her- she was damaged, Aurora. There was nothing to do about it."

I scoffed and clenched my jaw- how dare he?

"He could've showed her he didn't want her! He could've made an effort!"

"He tried!" Hypnos was now yelling, as was I, and his calm demeanour had withered away; "Delilah was- ... She was troubled."

I dropped my hands to my sides and stared at Hypnos, my heart aching and my eyes dry. I felt like crying, but the only person I wanted to cry in front of was Thanatos. It pained me to be angry with him, but I was. I was so angry with him.

"Why are you defending him when we both know how things are?" My voice was soft.

Hypnos shook his head as if the answer was obvious; "Why aren't you?"

Thanatos: The Blue DawnWhere stories live. Discover now