Chapter 18

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*It's been a couple of months scene you've left the hospital and you've healed up quite good but, you still have nightmares about what happened these past few months.*

~Beginning of Dream~


"N-no, no get away from me" you said backing away from chara even though she has been destroyed she's still haunting your dreams.

­Chara P.O.V

"Ah Y/n you know you can never get away from me" she said with a sinister grin. She walks closer and closer to you until she blocks you into a corner.


"Please, please don't do this" you said in fear chara looked at you with hunger in her eyes as she raised a knife into your heart, killing you instantly.

~End of Dream~


"N-No, no, no" you said screaming as you woke from your dream. You clenched your heart looking for a wound, but found nothing. You looked over at sans he was still sleeping as usual. You got out of bed and walked down stairs to go outside to clam your nerves. "Even though she's gone, she still haunts me" you said to yourself "maybe if I leave this world all'll all go away".

~Back in the house~

Sans P.O.V

"mm baby" he said feeling around for you "y/n?" noticing that you weren't there. He got out of bed to go look for you, when he got down stairs he noticed that the door was open. "y/n are you out there?". He went outside to find you, but to no avail. That's when he noticed footprints leading to waterfall, so he followed them there. "y/n are you out there?" he shouted worried because he didn't know where you were. After a while he found you standing at the edge of a waterfall looking out into the vast of darkness "whatcha doin kiddo" he said relived that he found you.


"Thinking" you said not even flitching and with tears down your face.

Sans P.O.V

"what you thinking about?" he said as he came closer to you and stood next to you.


"Things" you said as you looked down at the fall underneath you.

Sans P.O.V

"what kinda things?" he said probing you still wondering why you were standing at the edge, to close for his comfort.


"........" you said nothing at that question but tears started streaming down your face, sans noticed this. He asked you why you were crying and you said nothing, but cried some more. "I-I can't take it anymore" you said as tears busted out of you like a waterfall.

Sans P.O.V

"you can't take what anymore?" he said concerned and worried you might jump. He walked closer to you but you got closer to the edge.


"I can't take life anymore, I can't take these taunting memories anymore" you were so close to the edge you could jump then and there, but something was holding you back so you turned around to face sans " I love you, sans" and with that you fell backwards.

Sans P.O.V

"Y/N NOOO!" he said as you fell to your death. All of a sudden you stopped falling so you opened your eyes to see a blue light surrounding your body. "I'm not letting go of you that easy" he said pulling back to safety.


You slowly sobbed as he pulled you up back to him, once you were there he pulled you into a warm embrace which made you cry harder "sans, I-I".

Sans P.O.V

"'s alright" he said hugging you and rubbing your head. "just please don't do that again, suicide is not the answer" he said looking you in the eyes.


"I-I'm s-sorry" you said in a quiver as you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. "sans can we go h-home" you said still crying.

Sans P.O.V

"sure anything for you princess" he said in a calming tone which caused a smile to creep on to your face "ah these that beautiful smile of yours" then a smile appeared on his when he saw you smile again.


"I love you sans" you said as you drifted asleep in his arms.

Sans P.O.V

Before he fell completely asleep you could hear "i love you too, y/n"

*After, that night you would wake up sans when ever you had a bad dream. Your relationship with sans became stronger and after a year and a half sans proposed to you and you accepted. Then, a few months after your mirage you and sans had two beautiful children a boy and a girl. Even though your life was perfect, you sill had some ups and downs because of the dreams you had you were never able to let go of the past, but sans was there to help you when you needed it. So with that I bid you farewell.*

~The End~

-----I've decided to end the book here, I hoped you enjoyed this story and you should look at the other books I have and you should go read the books that my friend wrights her account is captain_swan_henry------

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