Chapter 13

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*You wake up realizing were you are and what happened and what you've done, but you didn't notice the sleeping figure next you*


"Ugh" you say as your still waking up. The void itself was just a white room and that room went on for ever and had very hard floors. So you didn't sleep very well and your back hurt form the uncomfortable floor. When you finally sat up you noticed a skeletal figure leaning next to you, for a moment you thought it was sans. So you started to freak out because, you didn't want to hurt him and you thought you were the only one who knew how to get here. Then this figure woke up and rubbed his eyes as he did you looked over him. He looked sum what like your sans, but he was wearing pap's scarf and had a slash across his chest, you started to shake because you thought you might have caused it.

???? P.O.V

"uh i thought the void couldn't have earthquakes" he said in a tired voice "so kid what are you doing here"


You did hear him you were to busy staring at his chest and and making sure you didn't have the knife with you.

???? P.O.V

"hey earth to kiddo" he said waving his hand in you face you snapped out of your daze, but you were still staring at his chest he noticed this "oh you didn't do that don't worry"


You sighed in relief and leaned back on the wall "sorry for staring" you say looking down.

???? P.O.V

"its ok most people do when they meet me" he said looking down at his chest " anyway do you have a name? or are you going to be stuck with me calling you kiddo?" he said looking back at you.


"My name is Y/N" you said with a smile and holding your hand "and you?"

???? P.O.V

"my name is geno" he said shaking your hand "so why are you here again" he says gesturing to the void.


"W-why am I here..." you trailed off remembering what happened last night and started to tear up.

Geno P.O.V

"oh i didn't mean to make you cry" he said scratching the back of his head.


"It's not y-you...I-I just did something that I thought I would never do and I feel awful about it" you said looking down at your hands they were still read from the previous night.

Geno P.O.V

"what did you do, i don't think it's as bad as you say it is" you said trying to make you feel better, but this only reminded you of your sans.


"B-but it is bad as I think, I stabbed my friend and ran I away from the people I loved just to protect them" you said balling into your hands.

Geno P.O.V

"oh" he said then he pulled you into a hug, you were shocked but you hugged back anyways. "I bet your friend is just fine"


"Yea but she probably hates me" you said as you pulled away from the hug "and the man I love probably doesn't love me any more either"

Geno P.O.V

"i bet not" he said with confidence in his voice "i can show you if you want" he said standing up and holding out his hand for you to grab. You were hesitant at first, but you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up and looked at you "the void is a mysterious place, but in any section of the void you can say 'void show me' then the person you want to see will appear in font of you" he said still looking at you. "go head try it out" he said letting go of your hand.

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