Chapter 14

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*You are still in the void after a few days trying not to go insane from the lack of your friends but you didn't know how bad it was for your friends scene you weren't there*

Kaitlyn P.O.V

She's been really upset scene you left, even though she knew that you did it for their well being. She starts to cry at the thought of you leaving and how upset you were when you accidentally cut her. Edge hears Kaitlyn crying and walks in to comfort her.

Edge P.O.V

He walks up to her and sits down next to Kaitlyn, then he pulls her into a hug and starts to play with her hair. "do you want to talk about it?" he said looking down at her, she looked up at him and nodded "so tell me how did all this start?"

Kaitlyn P.O.V

"W-well sans told me that Y/N was having bad dreams and doing weird things that wasn't her" she said trying not to ball once more "so I was kinda glad when she invited me the other night because, I wanted to try and help her over what she was going though but shit only got worse from then on" she said as she started to shake with fear remembering the knives on the ceiling and then finding those said knives all around you a second later.

Edge P.O.V

"shh it's ok sweetheart i'm here" he said pulling her into a tighter hug and kissing her on the head "you don't have to continue if you don't want to."

Kaitlyn P.O.V

"N-no I-I do you need to know" she said looking back at him "anyways when we got out of her house I teleported us to sans' house because, I thought he could help" she says as she leans her head closer to edge's chest. "Sans wanted to sleep with Y/N in case something happened to her, but she wouldn't allow it because I didn't have a place to sleep. So she made sans sleep somewhere else so I could sleep with her, but I didn't know how bad her dreams where" she said rubbing the new scar on her shoulder. "I was awoken by her screaming in her sleep, when I was fully aware of my surroundings I saw sans there I guess he was there to check in on Y/N"

Edge P.O.V

"why was she screaming?" he said looking at her confused "was she talking in her sleep?"

Kaitlyn P.O.V

"Yes she was talking in her sleep, and she screamed because she thought someone was in me even though it was only sans and I in the room" she said with a tear escaping from her eye only to be brushed away by edge "some how she had a knife with her and she turned a-and cut me. After she that she woke up and saw me bleeding she just ran out"

Edge P.O.V

"yeah until she bumped into me, i tried to ask her what was wrong all she could saw was 'I didn't mean it I swear' so i ran up the stairs to find you" he said looking out the window.

Kaitlyn P.O.V

"So after you came upstairs sans ran out after her" she said and joining edge by staring out the window too, to look at the cold harsh woods. "I just hope she's ok and that sans is ok too"

-Mean while-

Sans P.O.V

Sans has been trying so hard to reach you, he's actually gone to many different timelines some were good others not so much. He's tried so many times that now he's just given up "maybe she doesn't want to come home" he said as he sat down on edge of a cliff.


"Oh sans you know it isn't like that" you said walking up to him, but he didn't notice or hear you come up because you were still in the void "you don't know how much I want to come home but I can't, I-I can't go home without Chara taking over" you said with a tears stream down your face.

Sans P.O.V

"wise man say, only fools rush in" he says in a melody you look over to him in shock.


*Is he singing?* you say to yourself as you listen to him.

Sans P.O.V

When he gets done you notice tears are streaming down his face. He looks in your direction and it kind made you jump "y/n i love you and i miss you" he says with tears still streaming down his face "why won't you just let us help you instead of hiding."


You started to cry too "cause if I come back Chara can take over again" you say putting your hand on his which made him stiffen a little, but eased a few seconds later realizing that it was you there.

Sans P.O.V

"i guess you heard me sing didn't you kiddo" he said with sigh and you nod which he felt "i thought it was you when you sat down, i just wish i could see you" he said looking down.


"I wish I could be there too" you say grabbing his hand a little tighter "but Chara could take over again" you let go of sans hand and go and pick up a stick. He gets worried for a sec but, then sees the stick you picked up and sees you draw 'I love you' in the snow.

Sans P.O.V

"i love you too y/n" he said and walked up to the stick you were holding and followed it up to your hand and with memory he found your lips and kissed you.


*Damn it sans your making this so hard for me* you say to yourself as you pull away from the kiss you see sans frown as you pull away.

-Time Skip-


It's been a couple of weeks scene you and sans kissed but, you needed to stay strong and make sure you didn't go back until you figured your problem out. That was until Geno walked in with a piece paper in his hands "What's that?" you say with curiosity.

Geno P.O.V

"i-it's a grocery list" he said with a nervousness tone "can you go get what's on the list please?"


You looked at him with fear "why can't you do it?" you said shaking.

Geno P.O.V

"because, one i don't have that much energy to open portals right now and two i only know how to get to my timeline and here" he says but he does have a point.


"Fine I'll try" you say in a unsteady voice and grab the list and you head off. You open the portal where no one will see, but when you step through the portal the beast awakens. She tries to figure how you shut her out, but other wise she left you alone well for now anyways. You try to get the things you need before anyone you care about sees you and tries to stop you from going back to the void, but to you misinformation someone does see you and it doesn't turn out good.

A/N-- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you like where I'm going with the story. Anyways my Darlings TA-TA for now!

A Normal Day or so You Thought....Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat