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I sighed as I walked through the wooded area. A change of clothes would be nice, I'm not feeling the nurse vibe anymore. My heels sinked into the fresh mud. How utterly annoying. I heard a few twigs snap and readied my knife, my senses on high alert. I slashed out at a black tendril thing, but I was picked up into the air, my blade falling out of my hand. "Let me go you weird ass tentical monster or I will kill you!" I looked towards the face, only there was no face. I was way above ground as well. "Shh, calm down child." A deep male voice spoke to me, and my body relaxed against my will. "Look at you all covered in blood, and I know that look in your eyes, you need a home don't you?" I blinked at him, "home? I've never really had a home before." He touched my head and it was like he was going through my life story.

  Before I even blinked, we were infront of a rather large mansion. The tall guy sat me down on the ground. "My name is Slenderman, and I take care of people just like you." "Just like me?" "The different, the abused, the broken, the insane." He lead me to a room. All white walls, plush white carpet. Other things included a queen size bed, a dresser with a mirror, a closet, and it's own bathroom.

   "You can decorate anyway you want, just let me know or ask Ben, I'll introduce you to everyone later." I nodded and mumbled a quiet "thank you." "There should be clothes inside the dresser for you." He stepped out of the room, and I opened up the top drawer. Various bras and panties that were about my size were packed neatly inside. I picked out the black lace set, and put them on my bed. Next was the second drawer filled with all kinds of shirts. I pulled out a black tube top that would stop at my belly button. The third drawer was filled with pants, shorts, and skirts. I grabbed the simple, very short gray denim shorts. I looked over to the bathroom, it wouldn't hurt to take a good long shower alone.

  I turned the water on medium warm and stepped out of the blood coated outfit. The tile of the floor seemed almost freezing cold.  I stepped into the shower and sighed happily at the feel. I grabbed the shampoo and opened it. The sent of cherries quickly engulfed my sense of smell and I eagerly scrubbed it into my black hair.

   After my shower I dried off and changed into my new clothes. The only cut I had to show off was the one I did before I came here. That one will have to do for now. I brushed through my hair as I walked out. Slender was waiting by my door for me. "Are you ready to meet your new family?" That word swam in my head with home. They were both things I never known before. Did I even want those things? "Yeah, sure let's go."

  He lead me down to a rather big living room. "This is the living room, there's a t.v, we get all and any channles you want. I looked around and noticed 6 other people. "Allow me to have them all introduce themselves." The first to come up to me was a little girl, "hi I'm Sally, do you want to play with me later?" She beamed a smile at me. "Maybe later." Next were two boys, one wearing a mask, and the other had a hoodie covering his face. "I'm Hoodie and he's Masky, he's a bit shy." Masky waved his hand at me, and I'm sure I had him blushing under that mask of his. Then there was a clown, a really tall, creepy, monochrome clown that couldn't seem to stop laughing. "The name is Laughing Jack, or L.J if you perfer, would you like any candy?" "It's not poisoned or other accessoried is it?" "For you no, after all your new to the family~!" I took the lollipop he was holding and put it in my mouth. Finally the last two came up to me. "Sup I'm Ben." He was short, blonde, and had black eyes with red pupils, not to mention that he was oogling my boobs. "And I'm E.J," black hoodie, blue mask, and black ooze dripping down his mask, from the eye socket.

    I stood straight up and looked at everyone. "My name is Love and-" I froze as a rather familiar face walked in the room. Cut in smile, pale skin, black eyes. Time seemed to stop as we stared at each other. "Love?" The way he said my name, it clicked something inside if me. Hate, need, want, anger? I couldn't describe it. "Hello Jeffy, miss me any?" "Yo Jeff, I didn't​know you knew the new hottie." "Jeff sent his fist into Ben's face. "Don't talk about her like that." "Awe how cute, the boy who broke my heart in two is defending​my honor." "Love I," I held my hand up to stop him from talking.

  "You know Ive changed alot, spent a lot of my time after you left defending you, but now there is nothing better I wanna do than to watch you suffer. Oh and you bet I'm going to enjoy every little moment of watching you run in circles, that it just makes me a little dizzy thinking about it." He stayed silent and stared at me.

   "Well thank you all for the hospitality, but I'm gonna head out, I may rarely be home but I do hope we all get along~!" I sent a flirtatious wink to the boys and a wave to Sally. "Tata for now, and don't forget to love me while I'm gone darlings." I hummed lightly and carred my back pocket for my knife as I walked out. I found a home, that will always be there, and it has the Tennant I want to make suffer.
     *Flash back end*

And that? Well that's how I made this little game of mine. I looked at my cellphone as it illuminated light. The detective who wanted me but can't catch me, the ex who needs me but won't get me, and I think I need some more play things. I looked up at the woods in front of me. It's time to go home and play for a bit~!
                      ~The End~

A/n: hey guys kitten here, this may be the end of this story but don't worry Love will be back for this is getting a sequel!

Love: you can read more about me in Kittens oc book or you can wait until The betrayal of Love comes out. Doesn't that title just give you the chills because it makes me excited!!

Me:so yeah in the next story Love will face many things and challenges, but most of all she will have to face herself. Until next time guys ~ kitten out.

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