8)Change is Good

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Love:this story is now rated M because of this chapter if you don't like gore or blood then why are you even here it is a story with Jeff
Chibi:love back into the story! Anyways enjoy~


It had been a few days since Jeff left. I walked into the cold hospital, my tube top not covering much to keep me warm. Everyone in the hall froze, watching me. More like the self-inflicted cuts on my arms and legs. Why cover them up, I'm happy I did them. I fitted my fingers through the belt loops of my black denim shorts. I stopped infront of the front desk and leaned on my free arm, a bored expression on my face. "May I help you miss?" "Yeah, I'm looking for a burn patient, she came in three days ago." "Are you family?" "Something like that, can I just get the room number," I let out in a bitchy tone. "Uh, yes um, room 322."

I walked off into the direction of Jane's room. She was proably still asleep. I opened the doors, no doctors in her room. "Well Jane you've really gone to hell haven't you?" I got no responce. I placed a card and a fake black rose on her night stand. "When you wake up make sure you read it." I walked to the door, but turned back to her, "oh and by the way I'm officially unfriending you." I walked out slamming the door behind me.

More days passed, as more days passed more cuts appeared. The more I smiled. It wasn't from hurt, I wasn't depressed, it was from pure plessure, satisfaction at its best. I walked into the school wearing a black mini skirt and a red tube top, showing off my beautiful art on my body. "Did you hear?" "Hear what?" "Her boyfriend went crazy, he like killed his whole family and attacked her bestfriend." "Wait, she had friends?!" "Yeah her name was Jane." "Damn, poor girl going through that, better her than us though." "Hey! If you sluts have something to say about me quit your god damn whispering and get over here!" The girls instantly shut their mouths and ran off. I turned and made my way to class.

I took my seat in the back of the class. "Dude who is that chick?" "Thats Love Dark." "What?! No way in hell that girl is no where near hot like her." "You guys are only paying attention to her lady parts, have you seen the scars?" "Yeah, dude what about 'em?" "She has to be fucking crazy, no wonder the guy she dated was a total nut job." "Yeah no kidding, I bet she is super easy too." "Dude, gross." I slammed my hands on my desk. "Again with the god damn whispering! Can no one speak normally in this stupid place!" The boys looked up. "Whoa calm down." "Calm down? Maybe if you all learned to open you mouths you wouldn't be so fucking stupid!"

"Ms. Dark! Principal's office now!" "What ever bitch!" I walked over to the door and stopped in the opening way. "Oh and if any of you talk shit about Jeff again, I'll slit your throats." I slammed the door behind me and left the school.

I reached my house and slammed the front door shut. I casually walked into the kitchen and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife. Damn everyone! Keeping us apart, ruining everything! I slowly crept up the stairs to my dads room. Damn him for blaming me for mom's death and never being sober! "Love what the hell are you doing here!" His voice boomed out in rage. My blue eyes glazed over as I looked up at him. I gave a sweet smile. "Daddy, you love me right? That's why you always hurt me." He tilted his head confused. "Look you little slut im not in the mood for you games!" "Let me love you too daddy." I pushed him down on the bed and crawled ontop of his intoxicated form. "Just like how you love me." I brought my arms over my head before plunging the metal of the knife through his chest. He wailed out in pain after each stab, blood splatering over me. "Don't you feel my love daddy!" I laughed sweetly as his body went still, no breathing.

"Ahhh!" A scream made me turn my head to my step-whore. "Y-you killed him?!" I licked my lips satisfied. "I was just showing him my love." She stumbled back. "Y-you're crazy!" I walked over to her. "Let me show you love too~!" Before she could run I stabbed her too. I dragged her over next to him and pulled out their hearts placing them on their stomachs. Then used their blood to write on the wall. "I love you, Don't you love me too?~Love"
*Flash back end*

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