6)His change

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An: don't worry guys this story isn't close to ending we are just finally getting into the real plot so, I hope you enjoy.

*Flash back*

"Alright Love, what do you want to do?" "I can't do anything Jeff," I stated sadly. "Whoa, why not?!" "Because my step-mom grounded me." "Oh." I looked at my now boyfriend's face as he walked me home from school. "Well, then I'll take you out for ice creme when your ungrounded then." "Really?!" "Yeah, promise." He gave me a small smile and gently placed a kiss on my lips. "I'll still see you tomorrow night though right?" "Yeah I'm just going to sneak out." He gave a smirk, "always such a bad girl." "I know." I leaned up and kissed him before going inside my house.

*flash back end*

See, I should've known there wouldn't be a tomorrow. Why? Because Jeff was put in the hospital the next day. Troy and his boys were dead and Jeff was undergoing surgery, but you already know that don't you? So then let's get back to my story.

*Flash back*

I made my way to Jeff's hospital room. I've been there many times already so I knew where it was by heart. His mother was really sweet, she asked me to come for when Jeff got his bandages removed. She must've got the hint that we were dating. I wanted to see him smile his biggest for when he saw me, so I made sure to dress extra cute just for him.

I so desperately wanted him to kiss me too. I walked into the room. Soon after the doctor removed the bandages. His skin was pale white, not that I minded. His face lit up when he saw me, but he talked to his family first. I stood there silently smiling at him.

"Love!" He practically glomped me tightly. Though we talked often while he was in here he still clung to me like it was the last time he ever would hold me. As if it would kill him if he didn't. He placed a light kiss on my forehead.

"Love?" "Yes Jeff?" His family cleared out claiming they were going to wait in the car until he was ready. "You still think I'm beautiful enough for you right?" His eyes looked deep into mine, no longer the the blue I got lost in, but a black that threw me into an abyss. I started laughing lightly before giving his shocked face a loving smile. "Jeff it doesn't matter what you look like or do, I'll always be attracted to you." He crashed his lips onto mine, they were no longer soft but rough to the touch. Lightly he pushed me against the wall, the room door locked. His skin's leather texture giving me exotic tingles.

*Flash back end*

I know how bad for 14 year olds to do such things like adults, but then again it happens all the time so we aren't that diffrent. Ofcourse I didn't know that, in that moment I was the only thing that held him to sanity. Thats why he clung so tight. If he let go, he would loose himself. Next time I saw him, he wasn't the same. My once bright light turned dark, and it affected me in the worse way. Oh but it was the best feeling, just like a turn on.

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