I wanted to get to know you

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A/n:hey guys this chap is proably well deserved most definitely and im super sorry i haven't had any motive for it but now i do ^w^ hope you enjoy.
*Flash back*
I trudged out of bed my body sore but better than yesterday. I got dressed in my navy blue sweat shirt, a black tank top underneath it, and a pair of old blue jeans. Jane would most likely lecture me for missing school. I smiled slightly and grabbed my light pink bag and headed towards our bus stop.
I wasn't quite sure how to explain it I was just really happy. Maybe it was from talking to Jeff yesterday. He was all I could really think about. Those blue eyes that seemed to show deep with hope or atleast thats what I saw in them. I sighed shaking my head. Something lightly hit my head down. "Who do you think you are not going to school and worrying me like hell." I turned to face Jane.
"Sorry Janie I had a rough day." Her face fell slightly but I still got a light flick on my cheek. "You should have called me." "I didn't want to trouble you I'm sorry." "Your forgiven but next time call me ok?" Thats when I noticed something was off with her, she was looking over her shoulder and was really on edge.
"You ok Janie?" I asked concerned. I can't be heartless it wouldn't suit my image. "Its nothing I'll tell you later just becareful with who your next to today." The bus arrived not giving me time to respond. What did she mean?
As soon as I walked into my first period English class I noticed Jeff sitting towards the back corner with an empty desk in front of him and I was quick to sit there. He looked slightly depressed. Nervously I spoke, "Hey....are you um ok?" I manged to get out but it came out as a whisper. He glanced over me. This time there was no hope in his eyes just....hurt.
Something came over
me. Some sort of protectiveness came over me. Who would want to make someone as nice as Jeff feel hurt. I shook it off.
"Aren't you that girl from the park." He stared intently at my eyes. I nodded and fiddle with my blue hoodie. "It's Love right?" Another nod.
"Could you maybe leave me alone right now?" "Y-yeah sorry I bothered you." I faced the front almost sadly. First Jane and now him? What did I miss yesterday.
Everyone is acting so strange today.
I got out a piece of notbook paper and my purple pen. I started to write a letter to Jeff. I stopped and put my pen down and looked at my work. This would proably just make him dislike me and its really stupid. I sighed and pursed my lips together in a line. I wanted to get to know him but a letter was stupid.
Without hesitation I tossed the letter into the trash as the bell rang when I walked past the door. Only I didn't realize that I missed the trash can entirely and somebody picked up my failed attempt at making friends. Unknow of future events I continued my day at school.
I walked into the crowed end of the day halls. Letting out a few squeks as I was pushed around by kids eager to get home. I finally emergered the crazy group and noticed some one lazily leaning on my locker. His white hoodie covered his face. "E-excuse me...," I squeaked out. Much afraid of what was happening.
He flipped the hood off of his head and pulled a note out of his pocket and held it up to where I could see it. A note written in purple pen. Nice hand-writing that mimicked mine. On the front in big letters was a single name. Jeff. My eyes widened slightly.
"So you wanted to get to know me better?"
*Flash back end*
I still remember the words I wrote on that letter. It was friendly but something also much more deep and scarring.
"Dear Jeff,
This isn't really anything formal I guess but I um justed wanted to get to know you and um be your friend. This is proably really stupid y'know giving you a letter and all.....If your intrested meet me at locker D1079. Its ok if you don't want to I understand. If you do come maybe we could walk home from school or something like that.
Sincerely, Love Dark"
A/n: and im finished with chapter 2 i really wanna state that things are gonna be diffrent from Jeff's story for the sake of mine lol not alot will change just things that fit in with Love. Anyways im so sorry that this is like wayyyy late I blame school anywho bye guys~kitten

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