5) Maybe you're a little cute

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*Flash back*

I shoved my face in my pillow, my crying had died down since earlier. I still felt to depressed to get out of bed though. I was wearing a baggy white t-shirt and black fuzzy shorts. I felt somewhat bad for yelling at Jane, but she started it right? I know she's been there for me since forever, but she still took it to far. I can't even understand why her opinion of him mattered so much. My cheeks heated up slightly.

A knock on my window caused me to quickly lift my head. I switched my head to the direction of the window and slowly got out of bed. My blanket wrapped tightly around my tiny form as I opened it. Jeff popped his head in causing me to jump back a little. "Hey love."

I blinked my red puffy eyes confused at him. "Jeff? What are you doing here?" "I need my hoodie back, my mom flipped when I didn't have it." "Oh, sorry I'll get it for you." My voice was hushed slightly to hide the two hours I spent crying. I turned to grab his jacket but instead he grabbed my arm.

"Love? Have you been crying?" "I uh, no I just had an allergic reaction," I lied horribly. "Oh yeah? Too what?" To friendship obviously not that I would say that outloud. "Just stuff." "Y'know your the worst liar ever." I hung my head low, staring blankly at the floor. He flipped me into a hug, I felt secure. "Now are you going to tell me whats really bothering you?" "Jeff?" "Yeah?" "Why didn't you use the door?" He gave me a boyish grin. "It was more fun climbing through your window, don't try changing the subject." I nodded and motioned for him to sit next to me on my bed.

"My bestfriend Jane and I got into a fight." "Over what?" I bit my lip nervously. I couldn't really say it was about him, I didn't want to offend him. I looked deep into his blue eyes. "Well....over you mostly." I looked down to not see his face. "Over me?" "Yeah I think she feels left out since I hang out with you now mostly." "I see."

He patted my head gently. "You should hang out with her, and you can even introduce us." My face lit up. I can show her how great he is. "I'll call her then." I pulled out my phone and called her. Jeff was smiling happily, crazy boys don't smile like that. I found myself blushing at how cute he was when he smiled.

He walked back over to my window with his hoodie on. He turned his face to look at me. "Oh and Love?" "Yeah Jeff?" You're cute when you get excited." I blushed heavily and watched him as he left.

I dialed Jane's number and waited for her to pick up. "Love?! Look I'm really sorry about earlier." She continued to apologize over and over. "Jane, it's fine, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at the park tomorrow." "Sure when?" "At 4:00." "Got it I'll be there." She hung up and I smiled. Things were starting to go my way.

I made sure I got dressed up nicely. This is going to be a really special moment. I smiled lightly as I put on a small coat of make up on. I had on a basic pair of tight fitting jeans and a red blouse.

I met with Jane at the park, Jeff would be here soon. "Love, I'm really sorry so I got this." She handed me a big bag of assorted candy. "Oh thanks Jane!" I gave her a quick hug. "Love!" Jane and I turned our heads to see Jeff walking towards us. "Did you invite him too?" She asked with a scowl on her face.

"A-actually this was his idea." "His what?!" "Well he heard about our fight and thought that we should all hang out together." "No Love we can't." I gave her a questioning glance. "Because I don't trust him and I never will Love." As Jeff walked up to me, she walked away. My eyes watered up slightly.

Jeff wrapped me up in his arms. "Love don't cry." I looked up at him. "You're too cute to cry." He slowly met his lips with mine gently.

*flash back end*

I know he ment that kiss. He told me I was cute until the day he changed. After all no one else called me cute quite like him. Now it just makes me sick.

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