10)Special Check up

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A/n:just an extra disclaimer: Love is a Bitch in this chapter and does something pretty bitchy y'know incase people haven't realized she's a huge Bitch so keep that in mind for this chapter.

I layed down on the medical table, purring at the cold feeling on my skin. I knew I would break down the good doctor soon. "I'm ready for my check up now doctor, " I purred out as I pulled him ontop of me crashing my lips onto his. He shivered against me sliding his hands down my body stopping at my underwear. He moved his lips to my neck.

"This is so wrong," he mumbled. I rubbed my knee against his crotch and he groaned. "Then why are you so turned on?" I smirked at his flushed face. "Do I turn you on that much Dr.Roads, do you want to be inside me that bad?" He heatedly kissed me his eyes closed. Mine however were open as I pressed the assistance button to summon the nurse. Dr.Road's clothes lay scattered about the room, everthing but his boxers. "You're so beautiful," he let out caressing my body.

The sound of screaming and a crashing sound caused him to turn his head to the door. I gave the nurse a terrified look, "help me I'm scared." Dr.Roads looked at me realizing I just played him like a deck of cards and he was screwed. "Guards! Guards!" They rushed in pulling the good doctor off of me. The nurse covered my body. I hinted a smirk at him, it didn't really matter how I acted because he still would have been in trouble. I just like being dramatic. Bye bye Dr. Roads hope you enjoyed your stay.

Days passed since the 'incident' and now I'm staring at Dr. Stacy. "So how are you handling what happened last week?" "I'm handling it just fine." "I see." Throught the years I've learned some dirty secrets about Stacy. She was a big smoker, this led me to her stash in her desk so I borrowed a lighter and 3 cigs every week. She also had 3 bottles of whiskey in her work closet. Ofcourse she didn't know I had snagged these items. She stated me down in silence. "Love this is off the record I want you to tell me what really happened." I laughed lightlyvand smirked. Really it didn't matter how ot happened he's still the bad guy.

"Off the record huh?" "Yes." "Alright, honestly I snapped his control just a little but he broke himself." "Oh?" "You see I was taking advantage of being tooken advantage of." She gave a confused look. "Do you always have affairs with married men Dr. Stacy?" Her eyes widened. "W-what?" "Dr. Roads and you were having an affair, that means you knew he had a wife and 3 children." She nodded slowly. "So he needed punished for betraying his family, and soon you'll be punished soon." She took a deep breath. "Why?" "Because you're just as guilty as him Dr. Stacy." She gave a hard glare.

"Says the girl who was messing with him like a slut in heat!" I gave a laugh, "I'm not a slut I'm a seductress, there's a difference." "Get out of my office!" I smirked. "Also doctor," I turned to face her, "I have a nice little home video of you and Dr. Roads so I suggest you play by my rules~!" She fell silent as I skipped off.

It was close to midnight and I lit a cigarette and opened up the bottle of whiskey. "This is to getting out of this place and watching it burn to hell." "My my that's quite a wish for a lady such as yourself." My head snapped to the voice.

"I can make it come true let's make a deal."

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