"Come on." Caroline says, "Bonnie got up ages ago!"

Good for Bonnie.

""You've got to see your sister, she's been waiting for you to get up."

What the hell? Why? She could've just as easily come up here herself.

Ah, of course the last time we spoke we had an argument, so that might be why she doesn't feel comfortable to wake me up.

That, and I'm guessing she values her life.

"Get up!" Caroline shouts.

"I'm up!" I retort frustratedly, pushing myself up from the pillow with a scowl plastered across my face, "Alright, She-Demon? I'm up."

She smirks at me, "Hurry up and come downstairs."

Then she's off on her way out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

Have I ever mentioned how annoying I find Caroline Forbes? Well, I'm saying it now. Caroline Forbes is the most annoying human/vampire being on this planet.

"Up you get Sunshine," Damon's voice calls from the other aid of the door, full of amusement, and I can just imagine the grin on his face, "Got a big day Honeybun."

With a growl, I throw a pillow at the door, and listen to him laugh as he walks away, breaking out in a whistle as he gets to the stairs.

I retract my statement, Damon bloody Salvatore is the most annoying being on this planet.


Walking into the middle of the room sends an awkwardness through the air. All conversation stops and every eye is focussed on me. I notice a few people I don't recognise; vampires with red eyes.

Okay, I'll admit, that's kinda freaky. Their eyes are red. Is that even atomically possible?

"Don't think dyin' her hair is gonna make them leave 'er alone." One of them grumbles, his dark, greasy hair long and tattered — almost as tattered as his clothes. He sounds cynical, he and Damon will get along splendidly.

"This is Eleanor, Bella's twin sister." Esme explains with a smile, lighting up her face like a mother talking about her children.

The vampire scoffs, "What gave it away?"

Everything is tense, and I begin to get uncomfortable. Christ, I feel like I've got profanity scrawled across my forehead. What is their problem?

"Damon, you absolute prick, that isn't how magic works." Bonnie's voice growls as she walks through the living room doorway, a scowl plastered across her face.

"You're telling me, despite all this voodoo crap your witches have going for you," Damon teases, his face alight with amusement as he follows in after her, "You haven't learnt how to live forever in your own bodies, yet?"

"Yes." Bonnie hisses, throwing herself into one of the couches, ignoring the inquiring eyes that follow her movements.

"The 'in your own bodies' part is especially important, by the way."  Damon instructs lazily, "Some bitch nearly pulled my heart out once."

"You have a heart?" Bonnie retorts, "Surprising."

Damon smiles, winking at her, "Undead, un-beating, and stone cold. I live to amuse you."

"Please die, then."

I roll my eyes, used to this. They like each other really, not that you'd be able to tell. Both of them would die for one another, and they have no problem going to great lengths to protect each other. They just get on each other's nerves a lot.

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